Chapter 46

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Everyone spreads throughout the building in search of janitor's closets, per my instruction to find a ladder.

I hear sneakers squeaking on the tile and shouts of "I found one—no, wait, it's just got buckets in it, never mind" and "How long does the ladder have to be? A stepladder won't work, right?"

While they search, I find the third-floor classroom that looks into the Erudite window. It takes me three tries to open the right window.

I lean out, over the alley,it is quite irrational,but I have to try it.

I shout, "Hey!" Then I duck as fast as I can. But I don't hear gunshots.

'Not sensitive to sound nor sight' I think.

'That's good' Will's voice says.

Christina marches into the classroom with a ladder under her arm, the others behind her.

"Got one! I think it'll be long enough once we stretch it out."

She tries to turn too soon, and the ladder smacks into Fernando's shoulder
"Oh! Sorry, Nando."

The jolt knocked his glasses askew. He smiles at Christina and takes the glasses off, shoving them into his pocket.

"Nando?" Tris says to him. "I thought the Erudite didn't like nicknames?"

I squint my eyes. Our group of friends usually called him 'Fern' and I think he liked it. We all liked nicknames. Cara just didn't . And doesn't .

"When a pretty girl calls you by a nickname," he says, "it is only logical to respond to it"

I can't help but feel happy. Fern is good for Christina. And the other way around.

I want to feel happy for them. But I also don't. I feel like I'm betraying Will by being happy like this.

'It's not like there is much between them!' I think.

'Yet...' Will's voice says.

I shake the thoughts.

Tris and Christina move the ladder to the window.

"Time to break the glass," I say.

Fernando takes the glass-breaking device from his pocket and offers it to me.

"You probably have the best aim"

I shake my head .

"You know how I get when there is pressure on me"

I want to refuse ,but then I take the device.

"But I guess I should face the pressure pushing down on me" I say.

"Pressing down on you,no man ask for?" He says.

I nod my head. The lyrics coming to my mind and I start humming it as I aim.

I press the button on the side of the device and toss it across the alley, underhand.

I clench my hands as I wait for it to land. Then release it and continue humming.

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