Chapter 4

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Y/N's pov :
My blood sizzles on the coals and before I join the dauntless I glance over to my parents, they mouth 'I love you ' and I mouth it back,but then the moment is over and I go stand amongst the dauntless, I feel like I belong here and after a few weeks I will officially become dauntless, I smile at the thought of that,I try to find Will and I eventually do,I go and stand next to him" you too,huh?" he says I laugh and nudge his shoulder with mine,after the ceremony is over we leave.
The dauntless use the stairs like the abnegation, but not for the same reasons, they do it to release their energy, to feel like they can do anything and be free,I smile to myself, being free is exactly why I chose dauntless, and I know I've made the right decision, after we're out of the building, we start running, I don't know where we're going but I start running as well,I lost Will amongst the crowd, but it doesn't matter, I'll see him soon enough, I hear a train horn and I immediately know that we're going to jump on a train ' typical dauntless ' I think, it's a good thing that I'm particularly good at jumping,as a kid I used to jump on the furniture and the couches, I loved it, so I smile to myself and wait for the train to arrive when it does,the dauntless jump on it,I jump along with them,and I land smoothly on my feet,I smile and look at the other transfers,I'm the first one to jump on the train,I'm in the car amongst the dauntless, all tge other transfers are in cars behind me,since I'm the first transfer that jumped in,I smile and think about what to do,I don't know anyone here and I don't feel like talking to anyone,so I sit on the edge of the train, I know that it's different and there are millions of ways I could get pished over the edge,but I don't care I'm not erudite anymore and I shouldn't be thinking about all the possibilities, instead ai enjoy the cool breeze on my face and sooner than I had expected we arrive at dauntless headquarters.
The dauntless start jumping off and I jump with them,again I land on my feet gracefully, and I smile, I hear a boy say" nice jump nose " and as I look back,I see a candor boy with black hair and green eyes, I study him but immediately regret it, because I don't really like candors ' he's dauntless now ' a voice in the back of my head says,but I ignore it and walk to the rest of the group,I find Will and stand next to him,I look at a man on the other end of the roof who shouts" listen up!my name is Max,I am one of the leaders of your faction, "he continues" several stories below us is the members' entrance to our compound. If you can't muster the will to jump off,you don't belong here. our Initiates have the privilege of going first" an erudite girl that seems familiar asks"you want us to jump off a ledge?" "Yes" max says Will asks"is there water at the bottom or something?" Max raises his eyebrows as he says"who knows?" they form a path for the Initiates while no one looks eager to jump they're all trying to look busy doing something, I start to think' what if this is all a part of initiation? What if it's a kind of lesson for the candor kids to realize they can't trust everything they hear?' so because of these thoughts I remain where I am,finally an abnegation girl walks forward,she looks determined and proud,which is a weird look for an abnegation but I guess that's why she left,she throws her outer shirt at the candor boy,a few catcalls are heard and she finally jumps.
As she jumps I hurry forward and look at her landing,I can't quite see the bottom but I hear a sound that indicated that she has landed safely, 'I'm going next' I think, they might grade us on how we land and such, so I try and stand firmly on the edge, then I jump,after a few moments of being in the air,I hit something, a net I think, I laugh to myself, I see a few hands stretching out to me and I roll to edge of the net and grab one,a dark-haired girl helps me stand on the ground, I look at the abnegation girl and smile at her,she smiles back and hesitantly shakes my hand " I'm Tris" she says "Y/N" I say back,Tris is a weird name for an abnegation but she must've changed it,I've heard that some people do it but I don't want to,because my name is the only thing I have from my past,the only piece I have left from my family and I don't want to lose it,"second jumper, Y/N" the dark-haired girl shouts and then she turns to me and says"Welcome to dauntless" after everyone has jumped they lead us down a narrow tunnel.
The tunnel is lit at long intervals and the walls are made of stone,finally we stop," this is where we divide," the dark-haired girl says, she continues "the dauntless-born Initiates are with me.I assume you don't need a tour of the place" she amd the dauntless-born leave,the other guy says" most of the time I work in the control room, but for the next few weeks I am your instructor, " he continues "my name is Four" a dark-skinned candor girl asks" Four?like the number? " "Yes," Four says "Is there a problem?" "No" she says "Good. We're about to go into the pit,which you will someday learn to love. It--" the girl snickers "The pit?Clever name." Four walks up to the girl and leans his face close to her.His eyes narrow, and for a second he just stares at her"what's your name?" he asks quietly. " Christina," she squeaks."well,Christina, if I wanted to put up with candor smart-mouths, I would have joined their faction," he hisses " the first lesson you will learn from me is to keep your mouth shut. Got that? " she nods. Four starts toward the shadow at the end of the tunnel, we all move on in silence " I hear Tris and Christina talk" what a jerk " Christina says,Teis replies "I guess he doesn't like to be laughed at," we all should probably be careful around Four pushes a set of double doors open and we walk into the pit.

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