Chapter 15

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We go to celebrate,by celebrating I basically mean wandering aimlessly around the dauntless compound while Will and Christina flirt and Tris and I laugh at them. Finally I get tired and tell my friends that I'm going to go to bed,as I am walking,I accidentally overhear a conversation I wish I had never heard, " What will you do with him?" It's Molly "Obviously,I'll hurt him in a way that he can't be dauntless anymore," I almost gasp,that's Peter,is he going to hurt Edward? Oh no,what am I supposed to do? Should I tell him? Will he believe me? Before I can hear the rest of the conversation,I run off to the dormitory,Edward is there,he is kissing Myra ,I think it may be a goodbye kiss ,but that doesn't matter now,I go to them and separate them,I know how this may seem,but I don't care, " Edward, Peter is going to hurt you tonight because you beat him." "What?" "Well,not exactly because of that,I think he'll hurt you because you're a threat to him and you have a better chance of getting in than he does,and he wants to eliminate you,please believe me,I heard it myself." Edward puts his hand on my shoulder "(Y/N) , that's not going to happen,you probably had a kind of hallucination or something,Peter is cruel,but not that cruel." "I-I am sure of what I heard,please believe me."
Myra puts a reassuring hand on my other shoulder, " relax,that was probably nothing,you might have misunderstood him," I am close to tears,they're not believing me,and that's gonna hurt them more than anyone else,I just run out of the dormitory and go to the chasm, I sit down and keep thinking, what can I do? I can stop Peter,but I don't even know where he is,what he is going to hurt Edward with or basically anything about his plan,I wish I had lingered a bit longer,I scream in anger, but no one hears me because of the roar of water,finally I get up and go back to the dormitory,as I hear a wail that makes me freeze,I see someone run away from the dormitory and I immediately know that it's Peter, I follow my instinct and run after him, I finally reach him and do the one thing that seems logical,I push him to a wall with force,he seems shocked to see me and even more shocked by the fact that I am not surprised "did you? Did you somehow hear us?" I greet my teeth "of course I did,you idiot," I let go of him,knowing that he won't run away,there's no need to escape from me now that I know. "What are you gonna do now?" He asks me ,I sigh and hug myself,what did I want to do when I got him,I think about my options ,turn him in, but would that work? Here at dauntless,I'm not so sure? Give him a lecture? But how does that help anyone? But something clicks in my mind,I can make him regret what he did and somehow prevent him from ever doing it again,can I do that? Will that work? I look up at him? He showed me mercy,I believe that it'll work. for a few more minutes we both stay silent,he looks down and I look at him,he really looks like he regrets what he did,maybe I don't blame him,at least not completely,he Is responsible for his mistake,but so is the system that forces us to train under such pressure that makes us hurt each other, I try to say something comforting to him,but I can't get myself to do it. He did just hurt someone, now that I think of it,I should probably have an alibi ,I can go and sleep in a corner of a room and pretend like I just fell asleep there, so I go to do exactly that,but before I go,I turn to Peter " I don't believe that you are to blame completely for your actions ." And like that I leave.

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