Chapter 40

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A new room. A chair alike a dentist's chair is reclined in it. In a corner there is a screen and a desk ,at which Jeanine sits.

I look to my left. Peter. He is standing there and I know I shouldn't be thinking about him ,but I am.

A voice interrupts my thoughts.

"How do you view yourself , (Y/N)?" Jeanine asks and I look at her with a face showing no emotions.

"Why do you ask?" I question her and she tilts her head. A gesture which reminds me of a certain fictional angel. But they are so different. I can't even imagine such a similarity.

"You asked Tris the same question and now you want to use the same procedure on me,huh?" I try to suppress a smirk and see from the corner of my eyes that Peter is actually smirking.

Jeanine presses her lips in a long line.

"Oh,did I hurt your feelings? Or did I-"

"Enough" Jeanine shouts. I close my mouth,satisfied. One; because I made Jeanine angry and ,two; I made Peter laugh,well,sort of.

"The serum" Jeanine instructs Peter,I look at him and based on his Adam's apple , he gulped.

'Does he still care about me?' I ask in my head.

He steps forward and fumbles with a black box on the desk, taking out a syringe with a needle already attached to it.

He must have noticed my face go a bit pale ,because he asks " Are you okay?" With worried eyes.

I look into he green of his eyes and force myself to nod,unable to say anything.

Jeanine clears her theist and so does Peter.

"Because if you're not ,this will not work"
He says and I feel my heart pang a bit.

Jeanine smiles ,clearly satisfied.

Deep down ,I sort of hoped he would just nod,understanding my phobia of needles.

But he is on the other side .

"The injection!" says Jeanine impatiently.

It is quite odd that she has lost patience like this. She must have been eager to work on Tris and I on the same day. To see the results more quickly. Bad thought. It has made her peevish .

Peter slowly puts one of his hands on the side of my neck. Making chills go down my spine. He shoves the needle into the side of my neck,pressing down on the plunger .

Jeanine jabs one of the buttons with her finger, and everything goes dark.
My mother is squinting on her microscope. My father is writing things down on a clipboard.

I feel like someone is watching me.
I look around.

"What are you doing?" I ask them. My dad holds up a finger and after about 54 seconds according to my watch,he looks up.

"Working on new simulations for Jeanine,why?" He says frowning. Whenever he frowns ,it means that he is reading my body language. And he is really good at that. so I tell the truth.

"Just a bit curious " I say,shrugging. He smiles and mom looks up from her microscope.

"Curiosity ," she says "what a splendid trait!" She smiled and so do father and I .

Curiosity has always been an important part of Erudite.

Erudite. Why do I feel like I say it as a foreign faction?

I shake the thoughts from my head but I still have the feeling that someone is watching me. If I turn around ,my parents will become suspicious. So I stay still.

After about five minutes of silence ,during which they continued working, I speak up.

"Why are you working on simulations for Jeanine?" I ask cautiously.

They look at each other. "For the sake of our faction and eventually the city,of course"

I frown for a second. Then nod. It seems logical enough.

But there is something odd about it.

My parents would never help Jeanine.

Because Jeanine doesn't do good in the world, something I had found out a while ago. But when exactly?

'That's sounded cheesy' I hear Will's voice.

I smile and then frown, as I feel my eyes water.

'Why am I crying?' I ask myself.

"Where's Will?" I ask.

"He's probably playing dungeons and dragons with your group " says my father .

Our group consists of Linx ,the computer genius;Will,the nerd; me,the near genius(their saying ,not mine);Fernando sometimes, the flirt; and Stephen ,the popular nerd.

What got me worried was that I usually use my memory to hear people's voice,after something bad has happened.

At least that's what I remember. For some reason I feel like I can't think straight.

Like my uncle ,when he passed away I kept hearing his voice. Again I have to say,not like that. I had total control over it. He was dear to me because he was a geek,like me.

I get the feeling of someone watching me and it becomes clear .

This isn't real.

I get up and walk toward the door. I open it and walk towards a very bright place .

I open my eyes immediately and see the familiar green eyes which helped me realize it wasn't real.

My parents have probably escaped.

I thought about it a lot.

This is the only reason Jeanine hasn't tortured them.

I hope they have reached the right place. I really do. But I don't know where they are.

That drives me nuts.

Also the fact that I couldn't help a girl inches away from me.

And the fact that my best friend is dead.

And that my group of friends' location and condition is unknown.

And Peter...

'Yeah,a lot of things apparently ' Will's voice is heard in my head.

I hold back my tears.

Maybe I can survive this situation without going crazy.



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