Chapter 14

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I wake up feeling refreshed and good ,I wear my favorite clothes,a black tank top,and black leggings along with a black leather jacket,I love it. After Eric says his 'warnings' that I bet no one will pay attention to,we all get out. I search the room for my parents,and I see them,they come towards me and before any of us can think logical and avoid physical contact,my mom hugs me,and then my dad,Will's sister,Cara has come too,his parents couldn't make it but they miss him very much and he understands, I talk with Cara and for once I feel like I'm not an idiot talking to her. I feel like a grown person,just from a different faction. Peter's parents have come,his father speaks so loudly that the whole room can hear him,he doesn't look like his parents,but that doesn't matter,he smiles while being with them,a real smile,he looks at me and keeps his smile,I can't help but smile back. today is such a good day,I can't stop smiling,I meet Tris's mom and she is so sweet,I really like her. I meet Christina's mom too and I like her too,I don't see Al anywhere,but I'm way too happy to think about why he isn't here,I just want to smile and smile and smile ,and to be honest,it feels really good.
I'm currently in the middle of a debate with Christina,Will says that pets are useless while I say that they are not for people who like them,and Christina talks about how they're good for everyone,currently she can't believe we weren't allowed to have pets at Erudite . "Because they're illogical," says Will " okay Spock but keep in mind that pets are in fact good for people who want to have them,that is for sure,just because you don't like them  and that they're useless for you doesn't mean they're useless for everyone,remember what is bad for you isn't necessarily bad for everyone." I point out "says who?" Asks Will pretending to be actually curious " I do!" I say laughing  "(y/n) is absolutely right!" Says Christina and tells the story about her dog ,I roll my eyes ,I'm more of a cat person, "why don't you just get a dog after initiation if you're feeling that nostalgic?" Asks Will "because ,dogs are sort of ruined for me...after you know ,after the aptitude test." "You mean killing the dog,right?" Asks Will "yeah,I mean you all had to do that too,right?" Says Christina,well I didn't and as I look at Tris,by her actions ,I'm guessing she didn't either,is it possible that she is like me? Divergent? I can definitely see it in her,she is abnegation and dauntless,not candor and definitely not amity,maybe a bit erudite too,but I'm not sure ,plus having three different factions has never happened ,well before me,I hear them ask talk to Tris about how she didn't kill the dog,I just stay silent hoping that the observant candors don't realize that I'm hiding something,and they don't ," I told you,it was the food." Smart ,she chose something to make Christina start talking about how she had never seen a hamburger,she can be erudite too,I look at her and smile,her eyes go wide but then she smiles back.
After dinner we go back to the dormitory,Four explains how stage two is weighted more heavily than stage one. He says that they'll announce the cuts tomorrow,and us being transfers doesn't help us with our situation,finally he steps back so that we can see the rankings.
1. Edward
2. Peter
3. (Y/N)
4. Will
5. Christina
6. Molly
7. Tris
8. Drew
9. Al
10. Myra
my eyes go wide in shock and I stare at the place where my name is,third! I am third! I am amongst the top three !!! I get a bronze medal!!! These thoughts keep going through my mind and after a while,I look at Will who is glaring at me playfully. I smirk " Not only is my IQ more than yours,but my fighting capability is too!" He laughs and ruffles my hair,I playfully shove his hand away, " But I'm still taller than you!" He says with a smirk and I roll my eyes " size matters not!" I quote Yoda and we both look at each other for a second and then burst out laughing.

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