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*6 years later*

Harry frantically walked down the hallway of the hospital. Louis was on his mind, and only Louis, he was more worried than ever before.

Louis just a couple days ago, was visiting his dad since they had some things they needed to work out. Harry was completely fine with it, after he made his dad promise a thousand times not to hurt a hair on Louis' head.

But now just two hours ago, Harry got the horrifying call from Louis' dad. Louis had relapsed, and he was worse than ever. They didn't know what caused it but he had to move quick, he was getting progressively worse and worse by the minute.

Holding his and Louis' now 3 year old son, Jack, in his arms, he was afraid he was going to loose him for good. Forever.

Harry tried calming himself down, but when he reached Louis' room and opened the door, looking at Louis and the horrible condition he was in. He burst into tears, he couldn't help it. The love if his life was laying on his possible death bed. Harry remembered from day one that Louis was going to die. Whether it was that next week, or the next year.

Louis and Harry dated for 2 years until Harry finally popped the question, they had just started their second year in UNI together, and a year after that Harry and Louis decided to take it to the next level, which was there first time using unprotected sex. They had both been tested and were clean, so they decided to try it. But what surprised them most is when Louis felt sick, and as a joke Harry had bought a pregnancy test. Time stopped as two red lines showed positive, and they wouldn't change it for the world.

Harry smiled at the memory and sat down next to Louis' hospital bed, taking Louis' limp hand in his.

Jack reached out. "Daddy!" He said trying to grab Louis' other.

Harry frowned. "Baby daddy isn't doing very well." He said looking at Louis' heart monitor as it was progressively going slower.

The words of the doctor from 6 years ago came to his head.

He will end up passing away eventually.

He will end up passing away eventually.

It repeated in his mind over and over again, he looked at the clock. It was late but he wasn't going to leave though. He leaned back in the chair, holding Jack in his arms and fell asleep.

*The next morning*

Harry opened his eyes and looked around, he was now in the waiting room. But how?

Harry slowly got up and walked down the hall to Louis' room once again.

He looked in the window of the door and his eyes widened, nurses were by Louis' side attending to him, they had panicked looks on there faces.

Harry's eyes widened and opened the door. "W-What's going o-" He got cut off as a loud beeping noise filled the room. Harry looked up. Flat line. The heart monitor was a flat line.

Before he knew it nurses were pushing him out of the way, getting the shock pad things (or whatever there called) and opened Louis' hospital gown.

"1.....2.....3!" One of nurses yelled and put them down on Louis' chest. His body arched up in an awkward way.

Harry had tears in his eyes. Louis can't go, not here not now.

"1....2...3!" They yelled again the same thing happened, nothing was getting better. A flat line shown still, making Harry's heart break.

"Again! 1...2...3!" They yelled, this time Louis' heart monitor started up again.

Louis' eyes opened partially. "H-Harry?" He said weakly. Harry ran over to him grabbing his hand.

"It's me Louis, I'm here I'm here." Harry said.

Louis looked to his heart monitor and sighed as it was slowing again.

"Harry, I love you, and Jack too. I want you to know that. I know I don't have much time but I want you to stay strong for Jack, and tell stories about me and you. I-I love you." He said weakly.

Harry let out a shaky sob and nodded.
"I love you too." He said just as the heart monitor had a flat line. It was done, he was gone. His love was gone. But at least there last words to each other were I love you. And Harry would remember that, forever.

 A/N: Thats the end! I feel so bad to see it come to an end. But, even better I am writing a new fanfic, it will be called Dream Seeker, and I am posting the first chapter April 28th, which is a monday :). So look for that on my profile. I cant wait for this new fanfic, also it wont be as rushed this time, hopefully not. Anyway, love you all :)


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