Chapter 5

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When Louis got home he quickly went up to his room. What was he going to do when Harry showed up? Of course he would be a little dressed up. A lie like going to study wouldn't pass.

Louis sighed and stood infront of the mirror looking at himself. He didn't hate his body, or himself. He just hated what had been done to it.

He sighed chucking off his clothes and put new, nicer one's on. He didn't understand why he was getting ready so early. Soon he heard a knock on his bedroom door.

"Louis? You okay baby?" His dad asked and Louis just wanted to scream when his dad called him that. He would call him that in public, which would earn weird stares from people around him. He hated it.

"Yes dad I'm fine, just, I have alot of homework." Louis said biting his lip.

"Okay, do you need any help?" His dad asked opening the door and Louis gritted his teeth silently.

"Nope no help at all." His dad raised an eyebrow at him.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Mark asked looking Louis up and down, in a questionable way, and a sexual way.

"Um no reason." Louis said and looked down at his feet. "I'm going out with a friend tonight though. Just a friend." Louis smiled at his father, hoping he would but it.

Mark sighed. "Okay, you know the rule be back by 8."

Louis nodded. "I know. I will. Promise." Louis sighed and Mark nodded kissing Louis' head just as the door bell rang. Louis smiled wide and walked down the stairs and opened the front door seeing Harry standing there.

Louis smiled wide. "Hi Harry." He said greeting him, biting his lip hearing his father's foot steps behind him.

"Hey Louis." Harry smiled and kissed Louis' cheek. Louis blushed softly.

Louis' dad walked over and smiled.

"And who might this be Louis?" He asked looking at Harry.

"Dad, this is Harry, Harry, this is my dad." Louis said and looked down at his feet as Harry and his dad shook hands. Louis sighed in relief when his dad didn't remember Harry.

"Well, we should be going now, bye dad." He said and kissed his cheek softly, walking out the door with Harry.

Louis smiled fondly and got into Harry's car, and so did Harry. Harry sighed softly as he started down the road.

"So what were you planning?" Louis asked looking at Harry. He smiled cheekily.

"Surprise." He muttered and Louis groaned.

"Haz, I hate surprises." Harry chuckled.

"It's a good surprise I promise." Harry said as he turned down onto a dirt road, Louis suddenly realized they were in the middle of no where. Louis sighed looking out the window and bit his lip, it was getting dark and he knew he had to be back by 8. He groaned to himself, why did they leave at 7?

Harry stopped the car and got out and ran to Louis' side and helped him out of the car. Harry pulled on Louis, he soon realized they were running and Louis groaned.

"Harry slow down!" He giggled and panted and kept running, his short strides not being able to keep up with Harry's long, wide strides.

A few minutes later, Louis could hear the sound of water, he looked around seeing lights lit up and a small waterfall off to the side. Louis gasped in amazement, his eyes sparkling from the lights.

"Wow Harry. You did all this?" Louis asked looking around.

Harry nodded and blushed a bit. "I did it all for you." Harry said and Louis blushed.

Louis looked around not noticing Harry was pulling off his shirt. He looked up at Harry and bit his lip.

"What are you doing?" Louis asked confused.

"Well come on, I know I said wear something nice but I think your boxers are all you need right now." Harry winked and pulled down his pants and ran off the ledge, leaping into the water. Louis walked over to the edge and looked at him to the water below.

"Are you mad?" Louis asked stunned, Harry just chuckled at Louis' reaction.

"C'mon Lou, the water is fine." Harry said moving some of the fringe that was in his eyes.

Louis reluctantly nodded and pulled off his shirt and pants, he looked down at himself and bit his lip, a few bruises and cuts were visible from his dad. But he doubted Harry could see any of them. He stepped back and ran jumping into the water, letting out a girly squeal as he came into contact with the icy cold water, well to him it was.

"Harry! You liar it's freezing!" He said splashing Harry. He chuckled and shrugged innocently.

"I didn't think it was." Harry said splashing Louis again, which made him squeal. Louis sighed softly getting used to the cold temperature and looked around.

"Well now what?" Louis asked and looked around not seeing Harry. "Harry?" He asked turning in a 360 trying to find him. He soon felt hands on his waist, being lifted up.

"Harry Styles what are you doing?!" Louis giggled. Harry smiled and lifted Louis playfully tossing him into the water. Louis came out from the water.

"You are a little shit!" Louis chuckled swimming over to him. Harry giggled and swam away from him. But what Harry didn't know is Louis could swim, very well. So, Louis took advantage of that.

Louis went under the water, swimming underneath Harry and came up from under the water. Harry squealed loudly.

"Fuck Lou! You scared the shit out of me!" He said putting his hand on his chest. Louis chuckled.

"So how are we like, gonna get out?" He asked, shivering lightly.

"The rocks." Harry said and swam to the side and started to climb up, even though it wasn't that high up. Louis sighed and followed him.

When they got back up on land Louis pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time 10:02 PM read in big bold letters. 2 hours ago he was supposed to be home. 2 hours.

"Shit, we need to get home." Louis said his voice panicky pulling his pants up quickly and pulled his shirt over his head and Harry did the same. They again ran to the car, Louis got in the passenger fiddling his fingers nervously.

"It will be okay Lou. I'm sure your dad will understand." Harry said and Louis nodded, even thought his dad wouldn't be.

Within under a half hour, Harry pulled up to Louis' house. Louis smiled.

"Thanks. It was very thoughtful of you to do something like this." Louis said and gave Harry a quick peck on the lips before running out of the car and ran inside. He sighed in relief when the lights were off. Maybe his dad went to bed? He smiled and started to head for the stairs when the lights flickered on.

"Where have you been?" His dad asked and Louis cringed.

A/N: Oohhh! Louis' in some deep shit! Well you'll find out.... *smirks evily* I just want to let you all know that I know exactly where this story is going. And hopefully, y'all don't hate me because like fuck. Anyway! Love you all and thanks so much for reading my story! Love you all! If you ever want to kik me or know my instagram they are...

KIK: larrys2001 (Advice, roleplay or just a talk. Anything you need)
INSTAGRAM: larrysmut66 (Help me reach my goal of 1K!!!)

-Amanda :)

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