Chapter 7

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"So, I heard you're dating Harry isn't that his name?" Mark asked with a smirk on his face.

Louis bit his lip. "Actually, he broke up with me daddy. I don't know why." Louis lied, the lie easily rolling off his tongue like he had done so many times to his father.

Mark looked at Louis, with fake sympathy, even though he was glad that Harry broke up with Louis. He sighed and frowned.

"I'm sorry that happened, but not everything lasts forever, I'm sorry." He said and hugged Louis. Louis fake sniffled and nodded, even though his dad was believing the whole thing.

"Can I just go to my room and be alone?" Louis asked pulling away slightly from his dad. Mark nodded and sighed.

Louis ran up the stairs to his room and plopped down onto the bed and grabbed his phone, of course calling Harry.

"Hello?" Harry's smooth soft vice came through the speaker of the phone. Louis smiled

"Hey Haz." He said smiling like an idiot, so this is what it feels like to be in love. Louis thought to himself.

"So how are you doing Lou? How's your dad, did he hurt you?" Harry asked, his voice becoming concerned which Louis giggled at.

"No, I promise he hasn't touched me. But he believes we've broken up, so we have to keep him believing that."

Harry sighed. "Just be careful okay? I don't want him hurting you..."

"Harry I already promise you, I'll be fine.." Louis trailed off before he heard his dad calling for him. "Listen my dad's calling for me, I'll be right back, love you."

Louis hangs up after he heard Harry mutter an 'I love you' back. He walks down the stairs to see his father standing there.

His father sighed. "Louis I need to come with me to work, I don't want to leave you alone. It will only be an hour. Tops."

Louis groans slightly but nods. "Okay." He sighs and pulls his jacket over his shoulders, shoving on his shoes. Louis is soon following his dad to the car, just go and come back in a few hours, it should be as simple as that. Louis thought to himself.

Mark groaned. "Louis I left my folder for work in my office, could you go get it please?" His dad asked and Louis nodded, walking back into the house. he trudged down the hall and went into his fathers office. it was neat and orderly, Louis was barley ever allowed to go ion there, unless of course his dad was too lazy to go get what ever he needed himself.

Louis saw the file and picked it up, groaning when another file fell onto the floor. He kneeled down and picked it up, but couldn't help but look what was written on the piece of paper that was out of the file.


Read in big bold letters, Louis froze for a second. Memorial? Louis' mom wasn't dead. Louis convinced himself as he looked at the whole piece of paper. As he read the words that his mother was dead, in a car accident. Almost a year ago. His dad had been keeping this from him this long? Louis covered his mouth with his hand, tears forming in his eyes.

Louis gripped the paper tightly in his hand and walked down the stairs, tears beginning to pour down his cheeks. He wemt out the door and looked at his father.

"Mom's dead?" Louis asked brokenly, "And almost a year too!" Louis yelled throwing the paper to the ground and Mark got out of the car, realizing he had made a big mistake for not telling Louis.

"Lou, baby I;m sorry i should have told you.." He trailed off and Louis shook his head.

"No! Don't you dare. She died, and you didn't tell me anything about it. I haven't seen her in what? 4 years now? And now I'll never see her again. I could have gone to her funeral! You knew about it! Louis yelled and stormed back inside. Why out of all the things that happened,why did it have to be his mother dying.

Louis took off his shoes and jacket running up the stairs and slammed his door shut. He had been mad at his father before, but not like this, never like this.

Louis curled up in bed and cried, he hated this, he hated everything now at the moment. He wanted to curl up in a ball and never have to look in him in the eyes. He knows what his father has done to him is wrong, but nohting could hurt him more than this.

Louis sniffled and sat up. He needed to get out of here. He picked up his cell phone, calling Harry, sighing in relief when hearing a 'hello' on the other end.

"Harry, I have a plan."

A/N Sooo.... cliff hanger eh? Well this story needed one at some point. Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! Love y'all

-Amanda :)

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