Chapter 9

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Harry shook his head. "B-But he can't have lung cancer. How?" Harry said getting tears in his eyes.

"Were not sure. Were pretty sure since it can be heredity that Louis' father or mother must have smoked. Which was passed down to Louis when he was born." She said and frowned.

"But lung cancer doesn't have a very good survival rate. He can't j-just..." Harry trailed off crying harder. The doctor gave Harry a hug and sighed.

"Harry I don't want to tell you this but unfortunately when people show symptoms for lung cancer, it's in the late stages. We can do Chemotherapy, but it won't be that effective. He will end up passing away eventually. There's not really a way to get rid of it totally, not where it is now. But, with the chemotherapy it will help him live longer. I really hate telling you this, he doesn't even know yet. Sometimes patients don't take news like this very well." She said as Harry cried harder.

Harry couldn't believe it, he didn't want to. He hated when things like this happened. Terrible things happening to good people, and Louis already had enough bad things that have happened to him.

"But I am going to need Louis' dad to come here. Or his mom. I xan't do anything about chemotherapy until then." She said softly trying to calm Harry.

Harry nodded and sniffled. He knew it was the right thing to do to call Louis' dad.

Harry walked down the hall to the phone that hung on the wall. Sighing shakily he picked the phone up dialing the number of Louis' house.

"Hello?" Mark asked through the phone, agitated, who wouldn't be if they didn't know where their son went.

"C-Can you come to the hospital please. I-It's Louis..." Harry said sniffling.

Mark frowned. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"C-Cancer. Lung cancer. T-They said it was hereditary, t-they don't k-know how long he has." Harry said starting to cry again, he didn't want to believe it at all.

Mark frowned. "I'll be right there." Mark said and hung up.

Harry whimpered and dropped the phone, letting the cord that held the phone to the wall let it drop to the floor. He wishes this didn't happen. He wanted to hold Louis and tell him everything was going to be okay, but he couldn't even do that. For fucks sake Louis didn't even know himself. He was just laying in that hospital bed asleep, not knowing his life was slowly going down the drain with every passing minute that went by. Each tick of that clock, each ting of the bell notifying someone was at the front desk, every time the front doors open and closed, was just more time being wasted.

Harry cried harder at the fact he didn't know anything. Just that Louis had cancer, and he wasn't going to live a full life. What about his future? Was there one at all? What if he died today, or tomorrow, or in weeks, months, years. Harry wanted to know, but at the same time he didn't. He didn't want to know if Louis had six months or six years. Because when the time would come around, he would be sad all the time, not enjoying the last moments he would have with that adorable little shit. That sensible, cute, talkative, sassy beautiful boy that was in the room just down the hall.

Harry shakily got up and walked down the hall, looking at the door that now had a stupid clipboard that sad Louis' name. That fucking clipboard that said Louis had cancer.

Harry glared at it, grabbing it with such a force, leaving his nail marks on the door. He picked it up and threw it to the ground, more sobs leaving his lips. He knew it wasn't the clipboards fault. He knew it was no ones fault at all. Things happen, but he wished this thing didn't.

"Harry?" Louis' small voice came from the room inside. Harry looked up and walked into the room and looked at Louis, his small figure sat up in bed in that hospital night gown they give you, the sheets over his legs, being able to see the tips of his toes through the sheets. Absolutely adorable.

"Yes love?" Harry asked, his voice scratchy from crying.

"W-What's wrong? W-Why am I in the bed? W-Why is this tube in my nose, and an IV in my arm?" Louis asked confused and scared. He didn't understand. It was just a back ache and a cough right? That's all it was. Right?

"Louis calm down, I just need to tell you something.." Harry trailed off and Louis nodded.

"O-Okay.." Louis said his voice rough, coughing every now and then. He didn't get it. It was hard to breathe than it had been used to be. He noticed he had a hard time breathing when he was around 6, they said it was asthma, did he have an asthma attack and not remember it?

"Louis, you... you have c-cancer. Ling cancer." Harry said holding back the tears that were already threatening to spill over.

Louis looked at him blankly. "I- What?" He asked, hoping he heard Harry wrong.

"Lung cancer Louis! Fucking lung cancer!" Harry yelled, he was angry, not at Louis, not at anyone particular, he just hated the world so much right now. He didn't want to loose Louis, he really didn't.

Louis looked down. "B-But I can't have lung cancer, h-how?" Louis whimpered. He remembered researching about lung cancer in school, in health, he knew it was one of the worse ones. But why him? Why? Things just kept getting worse and worse. Why this?

"It will be okay Lou." Harry whispered, comforting him. Thats all Louis wanted.

A/N Sorry for the wait on the update. There will be this chapter, chapter 10 and then a epilougue. Sorry to end this so short but I had the most fun writing it. So thank you.


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