Chapter 8

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A/N: Don't hate me I am incredibly sorry for what I am doing with this book. Just.. just read it. Ugh terribly sorry... -Amanda

"What do you mean you're going to run away from your dad?" Harry asked, and Louis sighed.

"I'm running away because he didn't tell me that my mom fucking died. I can't believe it. I've put up with this shit for so long Harry. I can't take it anymore." Harry sighed and nodded.

"Well where are you going to stay? Harry asked.

"Could I uh, maybe with you?" Louis asked back biting his lip, hopefully Harry would, he knew he would let him.

"Okay fine sure, but when are you going to leave?"

"Tonight, I need you to come by my house at around 10. I'll have my stuff ready by then. It means so much to me that you're helping me." Louis said with a smile.

Harry smiled and blushed. "It's no problem Lou, I love you and that's all that matters."


Later that night Harry pulled up at Louis' house, at precisely 10. He bit his lip nervously looking at Louis' bedroom window, knowing he would be climbing down it. Within minutes Louis was climbing down the tree that was next to his window. Harry watched Louis carefully, making sure he wouldn't fall or Mark wouldn't catch him, because then they really would be in deep shit.

Louis ran up to Harry's car and smiled, putting his stuff in the back and went up front.

"I already talked to my mo about it, and she would love for you to stat with us." Harry said after he pecked Louis' lips, Louis nodded and smiled. Harry drove down the road, occasionally looking in the rear-view mirror, making sure Louis' dad wasn't following them.

Harry pulled into the drive way of his house and got out, Louis doing the same and when they walked inside, Harry's mom was there and smiled at Louis.

"You must be Louis, if Harry hasn't told you already, I'm glad to have you stay with us for the time being." She said and shook his hand.

Louis smiled and nodded. "I'm glad I finally get to meet you." Harry smiled at the two of them but then tugged on Louis' shirt, to get his attention. When Louis finally looked at him Harry nodded in the direction down the hall and showed Louis where his room was.

"Oh and just to let you know, if you ever want to sleep with me you can. My mom just made us stay in separate rooms because you know, she's my mom and all." Harry giggled and so did Louis.

"It's okay, I'll probably just sleep with you anyways." Louis smiled and yawned.

"You tired Lou?" Harry asked and smiled, Louis nodded and sighed. Harry smiled and pulled off his shirt and pants, getting into bed as Louis did the same.

"Cuddle with me." Harry said looking at Louis. Louis giggled and nodded, cuddling up to Harry, closing his eyes, falling asleep.

During the middle of the night Louis woke up and groaned, having pain in his back, and he didn't know why.

"Harry?" He asked shaking him a bit.

"Yea?" Harry mumbled his eyes still closed.

"My back hurts and I don't know why." Louis huffed, obviously in some pain.

Harry sat up. "Do you want me to rub your back?" He asked, Louis nodded.

"I think that might help." He said and laid down on his stomach. Harry sighed and got up, softly starting to rub Louis' back, hoping that it would help him.

"Fuck." Louis whispered a few minutes later.

"Is something wrong Lou?" Harry asked worriedly.

"It hurts more." He said as he started to cough, making him sit up.

"I think you could be sick or something, let me go get my mom." He said as he go up going to get his mom. A few minutes later Anne walked into the room and Louis looked at her, just within a few minutes the pain got more intense, and he coughed more frequently.

Anne felt his head and sighed. "Maybe we should take him to the doctors, just in case." Anne said and Louis whimpered, he hated doctors.

Harry sighed and picked Louis up, holding him close to his chest as him and his mo wen to the car. Louis whimpered every now and then on the way there.

Soon, they were at the hospital in the waiting room, Louis curled up at Harry's side, they all were tired. But Harry didn't really mind, Louis was sick, or something. He didn't know for sure. The doctor called Louis' name, and they all walked into the doctors office, Harry's palms were sweating, he couldn't help it. What if it was something bad?

"I'm sorry but I'm going to have to do a few tests on Louis here, and I need both of you two to step put of the room for a minute." Harry stood up and shakily nodded as he left the room with his mother.


After about a half an hour, Harry and Anne were called back into the room, Louis laying on the bed asleep. Harry sighed in relief, seeing Louis wasn't hurting anymore. But then he noticd all the cables that were in him, and the heart monitor beating strong next to him. He didn't understand. Louis could go home now, they all could. Couldn't they?

"Why.. Why is Louis in bed like that?" Harry asked pointing at Louis.

The doctor sighed. "You might want to sit down." The doctor said which made Harry tense, that meant something bad, what was wrong with him? Harry's breathing quickened.

"Please calm down, I don't need you passing out before I tell you." She said looking at Harry . Harry nodded and calmed down a bit sitting down.

"You see, Louis has got something that's hereditary, he probably didn't know he could get it. And unfortunately he's one of the few people it happens to this way." She said, Harry narrowed his eyes, she was stalling.

"S-So what does he have?" Harry asked.

She looked at Harry with sad eyes. "Lung cancer." She muttered, the words barely audible but Harry could hear, making his face pale.

A/N: I'm sorry I did that to you all. If you all didn't know this is a short story, well it wil be. Probably only like 12-15 chapters I'm thinking. But for sure 10.

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If you have any ideas for other fanfics I should write in the furture, it would be highly appreciated.

-Amanda :)

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