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Louis Tomlinson was 12 at the time, being able to hear his parents fighting in the middle of the night, or when he got home from school.

He never understood why you would fight with someone you love, and care so deeply about. But then again it occurred to him that he fought with his sisters, and he cared for them dearly.

He would protect them as they would cry as his parents would fight. Life at home for Louis wasn't fun. He tried to avoid his parents at all costs.

But that got harder as time went on

During the summer, when he was still 12, his parents had decided to break it off for real, and for good.

Louis was terrified about what was going to happen to his family.

Later that week Louis was thrown into the back of his fathers car, being driven town past town, city past city.

What scared him the most was opening his eyes and looking out the window, only to find that they were in an airport parking lot.

Getting on that plane was one of Louis' worst fears, which felt to him was the biggest mistake of his life.

Louis' dad, Mark, was determined to make sure he wouldn't loose Louis like he wouldn't loose Jay and his daughters.

From that point on, Mark kept Louis locked up tight, not literally though. Louis had a tight schedule to do.

Louis had to follow rules:

1) No lying
2) Be out no later than 8:00 pm.
3) Do whatever I say, no questions asked.
4) You must not fall in love with anyone.

And those were just a few, the worst part about all of this is the only person he could love was well, his father.

Not only was Louis obedient, he did whatever his father said.

He was more or less a house wife, which is what Mark wanted. Louis cooked, cleaned, and sometimes, helped with his fathers sexual frustration.

Not more than once a month, and not less then 3 times a year, Louis was his father's sex slave.

Louis hated it, but he had to obey, no questions asked.


Now at the age 16, everything was getting worse. His father demanded more from him, and that included school. School was the only place Louis could get away from his father.

Louis didn't know much longer this was going to last, but hopefully it ended soon.

A/N: Hiii here is the prologue! The first Chapter should be up in February, well at the end of February! Thanks! 


Changed by Styles (Larry Stylinson AU)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant