Chapter 10

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Over the course of three weeks Louis was progressively getting better. By week 3, Louis was able to come home. Louis was excited he could finally go home.

When Louis' dad arrived at the hospital the day Louis found out, Mark felt terrible, it knew it was either his or his wife's fault. Both of them had smoked before Louis was born.

Louis refused to go home with Mark, he didn't want to. And of course he understood. He realized what he had been doing to Louis and realized how wrong it was. He realized what a horrible person he was, he was willing to change, just to have that father and son bond they had when Louis was young.

On the second week of Louis being in the hospital, he has been more ill than he had ever been. He had been so close to be out on life support that week, it scared Harry. He was by his side all the time. He didn't go to school, he didn't sleep, he barely ate at all unless Louis got on him about it.

In those weeks, Harry had realized how much Louis had meant to him. How much it was that if he lost him, he would be nothing. He knew everyone would think it was silly. How could you know you love a person within a week of just dating them?

He knew it was love. He knew nothing would come inbetween them. He loved Louis. He wanted to stand on the roof and scream it, just so everyone knew.

As of right now, Louis and Harry were holding hands walking to Harry's moms car. Mark had agreed to let Louis stay with Harry. He sighed at the thought of Louis loving someone else, but he knew thats what Louis' mom would have wanted. She would have wanted Louis to be happy.

Louis got in the car, Harry got in next to him. Soon they were driving down the highway.

Louis looked out the window and frowned. Grey and cloudy skies were in view, making his mood worsen. He breathed in deeply through his nose. He had tubes in his nose and an oxygen tank by his side. He didn't like it. But at the same time he did, he felt like Hazel Grace from his favorite book,
The Fault in Our Stars.

He wished his mom was with him right now, she would know how to make him feel better, she would know how to deal with this. She would say he was still beautiful, but Harry was doing that already.

And that's where he wanted to be, by Harry's side.

A/N: Sorry this is the last chapter but a epilougue after this, and thats where the most happens, this is kind of a filler chapter and the last chapter. Idk, if you have an idea for a fanfiction, comment below. I kind of have an idea. But, not too sure. Love y'all. Oh! And comment ideas for a new fanfic I should write!


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