Chapter 2

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Louis looked at the board as the teacher talked, Louis had to pay attention. He had trouble paying attention anyways, and with having to keep his grades up; it was a challenge.

After a few minutes the door opened, revealing a tall curly-haired boy. He could tell that the boy was obviously older than him, but they were in the same grade. Probably just had to repeat a grade, or this one over again.

"Sorry I'm late Mr. Brown." The boy said his American accent filling the room. Louis still hadn't got quite use to the accent, he couldn't pick up the accent, which is also why Zayn teased him, for having the stupidest accent in the world.

"It's okay Mr.Styles, just you know you have detention." He sighed and the boy shrugged, obviously not giving a fuck abut anything.

Louis looked at the boy once again, and as the boy sat down, he made eye contact with Louis, smiling cheekily and sending him a wink. Louis, caught off guard just stared blankly at him, afraid to do the wrong move and make a fool of himself.

Louis wondered if that boy knew who he was, or had heard anything bad about him, because all people would tell is the embarrassing stuff how much of a goody-goody he is.

Louis shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Every time he would look up he would see the emerald eyes and chocolate brown curls. Louis began to feel self conscious, like he was staring at him for a reason. The bell rang and Louis stood up collecting his papers, shoving them into his backpack. Louis looked down, making it for the door, when he was stopped. Louis looked up and of course, saw the same boy.

"I have heard about you Louis." He said, looking down at Louis. Louis cringed hearing that. Heard what about him?

"H-Heard what?" Louis stuttered looking down, sure as hell not wanting to make eye contact. The boy let out a soft chuckle lifting Louis' chin up.

"A Brit I see?" He said, and Louis pushed his hand away.

"D-Don't touch me, I don't even know your name." Louis stated and looked at him, having just a sliver of confidence.

"It's Harry, you'll probably be screaming it later." Harry said with a smirk. Louis swallowed hard.

"E-Excuse me?" Louis asked taken back by what Harry had just said. Within seconds Harry erupted into laughter.

"I'm just joking with you." Harry said, the tone of his voice changing into what seemed like a whole new person, a nicer, kinder person. Louis smiled shyly.

"Oh o-okay." Louis nodded.

"I know we just met but you seem like a wonderful person, do you think we could hang out sometime?" Harry asked with a cheeky smile. Louis bit his lip, not sure how to answer.

"Uh, I can't today." Louis said quickly, not wanting to be questioned later. Harry frowned slightly.

'Okay, what about tomorrow or some other time?" He asked.

"Uh, I can't I mean, I'll think about it, sorry my dad he's waiting for me." Louis said hearing the honk of a car horn. "B-Bye." Louis stuttered making his way to his dad's car, he knew his dad saw him, he didn't know how he was going to react.

"Who was that?" Mark asked looking at Louis.

"He's just a boy from school dad." Louis said honestly, because it was obvious.

"Mmhmm, what did you both talk about?" He asked still looking at Louis. Louis bit his lip, the main detail of the conversation was Harry asking him out.

"N-Not a lot just school stuff." Louis said fiddling with his fingers.

Mark chuckled. "He asked you out didn't he?" He questioned, and Louis froze, his dad was like a mind reader, and he fucking knew everything there was to know.

"Maybe.." Louis sighed. His dad smirked.

"And what did you say to him?"

"I said I would think about it." His dad slammed on the breaks.

"You what?" He hissed and Louis flinched.

"I-I said I would think about it..." Louis mumbled, there was a rule about no lying, and he had to follow it.

His dad smirked. "Your going to get it when we get home." He said making Louis cringe, he was dead.

A/N: Update Wenesday :) Love y'all thanks for 70 reads :)

-Amanda :)

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