Chapter 4

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Louis opened his eyes groaning, his whole body ached. From his toes to his head he was sore.

He slowly rolled out of bed pulling on his boxers and looked out the window, smiling at how sunny it was.

Louis made his way down the stairs to see his dad making breakfast.

"Morning dad." He greeted.

Mark smiled at him. "Morning, sleep well?" Louis frowned slightly, seeing his dad just went on like nothing happened.

"Yea, I did." Louis replied and sighed seeing it was Friday, a school day.

Louis decided not to eat breakfast and walked back upstairs and got in the shower, washing off the flifth and disgust with himself everytime it happened.

He got out and jumped seeing his dad at the door and quickly wrapped a towel around his waist.

"Dad haven't you heard of knocking?" He asked, maybe a bit to sassily because that earned him a slap across face.

"Don't talk back to me, and second of all I'm in here because you didn't eat breakfast, you know I made that for you."

Louis swallowed hard. "I'm sorry, I just wasn't hungry." Louis said and bit at his lip, his dad always got mad at the little things.

Mark rolled his eyes and walked out of the bathroom. Louis frowned and got dressed quickly and walked out of the bathroom.

"I'm sorry daddy, I should know how much you do for me." Louis said biting his lip, he didn't mean it, but he hated his dad mad at him.

"It's okay Louis, come here." Mark said holding his arms out. Louis smiled and hugged his dad.

"Now, get along. You're going to be late for school." His dad said with a smile. Louis nodded and grabbed his backpack and walked out the door, to continue the day.


Of course when Louis got to school, he ran into Harry. He had to admit, the boy was pretty good looking. His curls, and green eyes, his cheeky dimpled smile.

Harry walked over to him. "Hello Louis." He greeted, and Louis smiled.

"Hey Harry."

"So about yesterday, I was wondering if you're maybe free tonight sometime? Maybe?" Harry asked, and Louis could tell he was nervous. Which made him giggle lightly.

Louis sighed. "Um yea I would love to." Louis said honestly. Harry smiled wide.

"Great! Can I pick you up at around 7?" Harry asked and Louis nodded biting his lip nervously.

Harry gave Louis a quick kiss on the cheek before walking off. Louis smiled looking down at his feet. He couldn't wait.

A/N: Sorry for the late update! I love you all! Trying to update Wenesday :)

-Amanda :)

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