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"Disgrace! It hurts my eyes to even look at an abomination like you." The man holding the scepter snarled with so much hate.

"Father, please, let's talk this out before making any haste decisions." Pleaded the boy with the raven black hair.

"Don't you dare call me that, I disown you in front of all spawns of Lilith in this room." Even if they didn't have much of a father-son affectionate relationship, that stung the boy a little.

"Please, don't do this, anything but this..." The pleas soon turned into quiet sobs. The man stood up from his throne and hovered over the trembling figure of his son.

"It is already decided, you will be banished from hell to never return. You will spend the rest of eternity in your pathetic prison on the land of man as a punishment." The king raised his scepter and you could feel the excitement bouncing off the walls from the viewers. "And just so you don't say I haven't done anything nice for you, I've sent all of your toys and whore-clothes to your... confinement." And just like that, the raven-haired boy vanished into thin air.

All demons cheered and praised their king on his decision and actions, that had been the point, everybody now feared him. If he thought of his own son as an expendable object then surely he wouldn't show much mercy for anyone else, right?

"Michael!" the king bellowed ordering his other son forward "You are now officially the righteous heir of the throne and king that shall be Thereafter. Disappoint me, and you'll follow your brother." The younger, and remaining, brother gulped hard.

"Of course, father." He managed out without showing any form of emotions. After so many years of living with such an oppressive father, poker face was a specialty of his.

He can't show how his father's actions tore his heart in two, one half going with his brother leaving him an incomplete mess and a merciless father that cared for power and authority far more than he cared about his own sons. The younger brother decided to retire to his room to deal with his troubles and the fact that he'll be dealing with them all alone from now on.

Long lived the king.


Aye! That is one short prologue, but don't worry the actual chapters will definitely be longer than that, like, a lot. Also don't worry, I have this whole fic pre-written so occasional updates are a guarantee also no writer-blocks. Hope whoever bothers a really good day/week/year/century.

All the love,

HR. xx.

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