#179 - Connor McDavid - #97 Edmonton Oilers

Start from the beginning

I sit beside Kelly with my hand firmly in hers, she is as giddy as I am as we watch Connor put on his jersey for Edmonton. All I can do is smile widely at my boyfriend, he smiles widely as he gets his pictures taken with the jersey on.

Connor has just been drafted number one overall and I cannot be any happier for him, he has worked so hard for this and he deserves every good thing coming his way.

September 2015.

"How is the life of a university student treating you?" Connor asks over Skype. I roll my eyes at his question and look around at my small one bedroom apartment, boxes and suitcases are cramped into the small room as my bed is in the same room as my living room and kitchen. It was the best I could find considering all of my money has just gone to paying my tuition.

"I think I would prefer being in Edmonton right now, I bet you're loving life with a big spacious apartment all by yourself." I grumble glaring at my small, confined apartment.

"I am." Connor chuckles at me. I turn my glare to my boyfriend and mentally curse him from my bed in Ottawa, he sees my glare and continues to laugh at me.

"I think I should have taken that offer at Alberta now." I mutter leaning my elbow against my knee and rest my chin on my palm.

"You should have, we could have been here in Edmonton together." Connor tells pointing out the obvious. "Now I only get to see you when I am in Ottawa or the summer."

"I know, but Ottawa did offer a better program for me and how was I to know you were going to be drafted to Edmonton." I say giving my shoulder a shrug. I knew I had wanted to go to university in the east coast when I started high school, being from there only made me want to stay here to finish my education. I applied to almost every university in the Ontario and Quebec region, apart from the exception of University of Alberta, and I received acceptances from all but Laval. The University of Ottawa seemed to have a better program overall and I decided my best choice was to go there, I had considered Alberta before Connor was drafted there, but decided against it because it was too far away from home. Now, it seems home is too far away from me. Connor and I are sitting facing each over Skype, the only form of seeing each other now and with him starting with the first team in October, it is going to be extremely difficult to communicate with each other now.

"Let's stop this before one of us gets upset." Connor tells letting a sigh leave him. I instantly agree with him, it isn't a good idea if we fight now that we have only just moved away from each other which is something we haven't really done to this extent before.

"Have you had your first class yet?" Connor asks changing the topic before we get upset with each other.

"I have." I nod and from there we spend the rest of the night talking to one another, not one of us bringing up the topic of distance.

February 2016.

Edmonton are in town tonight to play against the Ottawa Senators, and I can't make it to watch my boyfriend. I had promised Connor that I would keep that night free whenever the Oilers schedule came out, I had that night closed off until a major group project broke through and demanded its spot. I hadn't meant for my night to see Connor play to be taken away from me. I had begged for my group to change the night to a different one so I could go watch Connor, but unfortunately it seemed to be the only night that we could get a room in the library booked and for all of us to meet up.

And so I sit with my group, my knee bounces uncontrollably as I so desperately try to finish this project early to make it to the game on time. I may miss the first few minutes of it, but if I catch the next bus and train then I can make it before the game begins and finally get to see my boyfriend.

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