#136 - Christian Thomas - #26 Wilkes-Barre / Scranton Penguins

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I sighed and rubbed my hands over my face as the long day finally ended. Pushing my hands back I ran them through my hair and down to the back of my neck, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes before letting another sigh escape my lips.

"Long day?" The librarian asked from beside me.

"Yes. I think a long well deserved bath is in order." I chuckled. Ms. James laughed and agreed with me.

"I bet you have a lovely man at home to give you a nice relaxing massage to clear your mind." She said. I came to a halt and looked down to my feet, today has to be the first day I haven't thought about him since we fought. Shaking him from my thoughts, I replied.

"No, no man waiting at home for me." I shook my head and continued to gather my belongings. 

"Well I suggest you go home, relax, order in food, and chill." The librarian smiled laying a gentle hand on my shoulder. I looked up and smiled gratefully before bidding her a 'see you later' as tomorrow would end the same way. 

Making my way across the campus I finally came to my dorm and pushed the door open, my tired legs dragged themselves over to my couch and flopped face down against it. I took a large in take of breath before letting it go, my face buried in the couch cushions. 

"I take it your day was the same as mine." My dorm mate asked coming out of her room. I raised my head a little to look at her and I nodded, letting my face drop back once I finished. 

"There's still hot water left, go have a bath." Amelia said. I groaned loudly as I pushed myself off the couch and headed towards my room. Lifting out clean clothes from the wardrobe, I walked into the bathroom and ran the hot water to make myself a bath. Once the water was all bubbly and warm, I slipped my clothes off and got in letting the water engulf me.

I lent my head back against the wall and closed my eyes, the hot water relaxing my muscles instantly. When my eyes closed his image came to mind. His perfect cheeky smile he pulled when he was genuinely happy at something or the way his eyes lit up whenever he made me laugh with a silly joke. His devilish hair when he woke in the mornings or the way he added two sugars and a dash of milk into his coffee. The last memory I have of him was when he left with his back to me, never turning around when I cried out his name to stay. I had been selfish to want him to stay, but I knew hockey is everything to him. At first I hated the fact that he chose hockey over me and then I came around to it, not everyone gets what they want and I certainly didn't get what I wanted with Christian.

A few hours later I sat wide awake on my bed, a book in hand as I read the night away. Nights like this have become uncommon, most nights are spent finishing essays or homework and if it's not that, then it's studying for a test the next morning. It was the front door frantically knocking that grabbed my attention, turning to my phone I saw the time. 2:38 am. Who'd be knocking at my door this late?

I groaned as I rose from my bed and walked out of my room, the front door constantly knocking didn't seem to be ending. I walked over and finally hauled it open, a slight gasp escaped my lips when I saw him standing there. Christian stood on the other side, eyes red, face white, and his hair sticking out crazily. His breathing heavy and he looked at me solenmly, his dark eyes catching mine.

"I was an idiot." He said stepping closer to me.

"I was an idiot to let go one of the greatest things that I ever had, and I let it go because I was selfish. I was too selfish to see that you treated me with love and respect, I was selfish to give away the love that you gave me for something that never meant as much as what you do Y/N. It's taken me three months to pluck up the courage to come and say this to you, even though I felt it when I walked out. I understand if you chose not to forgive my stupid actions of leaving you, but I just needed to say that. I'm sorry I woke you, I'll leave you alone now."

"I don't want to be alone, I'm sick of being alone. God, Christian, I miss you. I miss you so much and I don't want to ever let you go, please don't leave me alone again. Please." I said pulling on his hand to stop him from walking away. Christian looked down at our hands and then back to my eyes, they gloss over with tears as do mine.

"I won't leave you alone again, I've missed you beyond words can comprehend. I love you Y/N, I always have and I always will." Christian told running his free hand down my cheek. I smiled at his words and stood on my tiptoes, leaning closer till our noses touched.

"I love you too, Christian. I always have and I always will." I grinned leaning up and pressed my lips against his, Christian smiled and kissed me back. His hands intertwined with mine, and he never did leave me alone again.

A/N; I think I need to start working on my endings.

Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this. I forget who requested this, so apologies.


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