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From the first time I opened my eyes, black and white clouded my vision like everyone else. It is the way of life. All you can see is black and white until you meet that one person who is the most important person in your life, your soul mate. And when you meet that person, you will finally see colour and the black and white will no longer be seen.

Growing up I was always told that I would have to wait to see the colour, but I was never told how long. I thought it would be a few years till I saw the colour that everyone bragged about, the vibrant red, the beautiful pink, the fresh green. I wanted to see it, I wanted to see the sunsets, the ocean, the night sky. But I never did, I never saw the colour.

They said the first time you will see the colour is at sixteen. I waited for my sixteenth birthday to come around so I could see the colour. I was excited, excited to see the colour that my mother talked about when she first met my father. My sixteenth birthday came and went, and I never saw a flicker of colour, nothing interrupted the black and white.

Now at the age of twenty two, I gave up. I gave up on the thought of seeing colour because I knew there would never be a soul mate for me, by now I should have seen it and sadly I haven't had so much of a flicker of colour.

All my friends are married and expecting children with their soul mates. They have all seen the colour and are loving life living in the colour.

Me, well, I'm living in a black and white world that has no hope of colour.

The day is like no other. My morning routines never change, no matter how old I get. Wake up, go for a run, do the shopping, go to classes. Everything about it is the same, until he ran into me. Forcefully, might I add. He knocked me over and I crashed to the ground hard, my head hitting the pavement and I scrunched my eyes closed in pain. I slowly open my eyes to see something I never thought I would see, the colour.

Everything about it is as beautiful as everyone makes it out to be. The bright blue sky. The large yellow sun that is in the sky. The vibrant green grass. It is beautiful.

My eyes move over to the guy who knocked me over and my heart stops, he is handsome. His toned body, his dark hair, his bright blue eyes. I get caught up in admiring the beauty around me, I spoke out.

"Can't you see it?" I breathe out in amazement, looking around me in awe.

"Can I see what?" The guy speaks, his voice sending tingles down my body.

"The colour, can't you see it?" I ask now looking to him.

"No, I can't." He replies quickly in fear before running off. I watch as he runs away from me and as he runs, the colour drains from my sight, the black and white came back into my vision.

And he was gone, along with the colour.

_ _ _ _ _

I never stopped thinking about him. Him and the colour. It always remained a mystery to me, the male with the brown hair and blue eyes.

I could never put a name to the face and I never did see him again, that was until my friends dragged me to a hockey game.

I sit in the lower stands in the arena, my knee bouncing as I stare onto the ice in front of me. My friends sit beside me talking about their soul mates and how life has gotten better since they met them. I, on the other hand, sit quietly and say nothing. I didn't tell nobody about meeting him and seeing the colours for a second. I am too embarrassed to tell them that the person who could be my soul mate ran off.

"You're very quiet tonight." Elisa says giving me a nudge on my shoulder. I give a forced smile when I turn to her.

"I am just tired, long day." I reply giving a shrug of my shoulders and turn back to the ice. A soft gasp leaves my lips and my eyes widen, the colour. The colour is back!

I turn to face Elisa and she watches me carefully, I see her for the first time. Orange hair, green eyes, freckles, pale. She raises and eyebrow to me and I shake my head, I close my eyes and then reopen them to see the colour has stayed.

"What's wrong?" Elisa asks shaking my shoulder as I stare at her wide eyed.

"I can see the colour." I respond looking around to see the male I met a week ago. I can't see him so why am I seeing the colour?

"You mean the colour, colour?" She asks grabbing my shoulders to look at her.

"Yes, I met this guy a week ago and I saw the colour with him, but he ran away and I didn't see the colour again until now. He has be here, I can't have two soul mates so it is definitely him, but I can't see him." I tell looking around again to see if I can find him.

"You're right, we can't have soul mates so he is definitely here somewhere." Elisa nods letting her hands drop my shoulders. I nod and turn my gaze to the ice, my eyes connect with the blue ones from a week ago.

He's a hockey player.

"Oh my gosh." I mutter eye widening when his eyes widen as well. He goes to skate closer, but is stopped by somebody wearing the same jersey as him.

"What?" Elisa asks worriedly.

"Number 70." I say rising my hand slightly to point to him. "Number 70 of the Kings is my soul mate."

"Does he know?" I nod my head at Elisa words.

"He looked at me with the same expression as last time." I reply turning my gaze back onto number 70. He stares at me and lets a smile come onto his lips, I let one come onto mine when I realise this is my soul mate.

"We have to find a way to get you to meet him." Elisa says making me turn back to her and I nod. I need to find some way to meet him.

_ _ _ _ _

The game ended with the Kings winning and number 70 scored the winning goal. He watches me carefully before going down the tunnel and as he does, the colour stays unlike last time.

Elisa and the rest of our friends have came up with a plan to meet him, we'll wait by the car park until we see him. I agreed and so when the crowds had dispersed before leaving the stands.

We leave the stands and walk through the hallway, that was until someone shouted at us to stop. I turn around to see number 70 running towards us, his hair wet and wears a pair of shorts and jumper.

"You." He says looking me up and down.

"You." I nod looking to him. He smiles and me before moving forward, he puts his hands on my arms and the feeling makes my heart pound faster.

"I'm sorry for running away last time, I was scared that you would be disappointed that I am your soul mate." He tells looking to his feet in embarrassment.

I shake my head at his words. "I'm not disappointed, I am happy that it is you."

"Well, let me introduce myself. I am Tanner." He says taking my hand in his and places a kiss upon it. "And I think it is about time I get your number."

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