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I lay back against the headboard of the motel room I went to, and let my tears finally escape from my eyes. My sobs fill the quiet and small room, why did I do that? I was silly to leave him, I was an idiot to leave that way. But I did it. I left him. And now I regret it. Why? I am pregnant. I found out yesterday from my doctor and had planned on telling Brandon tonight that we are going to be parents, but now I can't. Now I have ruined the chance of my baby growing up with a father, I have ruined the life I thought I would have had forever.

My sobs finally stopped after crying for hours and then my phone begins to ring. I grab it off the bedside table and see it is an unknown number calling, my heart sinks as I thought it is Brandon calling me. I hesitantly answer my phone.

"Hello?" I ask in a shake breath.

"Is this the number of Miss. Y/L/N?" The person over the phone asks in an important voice.

"Yeah, this is she. Who is this?" I say using my sleeve to wipe away my tear stained face.

"Good evening, Miss. Y/L/N. We are calling from Ohio State General Hospital concerning a Mr. Brandon Saad. He was admitted to our infirmary in critical condition at 12:39 am, we see that you are listed as his next of kin and we have the obligation of notifying you." The voice on the phone says and instantly my heart stops at her words. What has happened to Brandon? Did I do it? Did he try and follow me and somehow get injured? This is all my fault.

"What happened?" I breathe out trying to calm myself down as my heartbeat begin to speed up, as I wait to hear what happened to Brandon.

"He was hit by a drunk driver, his car flipped at an intersection and then was hit by another oncoming car." The person tells me through the phone and once again my breath gets caught in my throat. 

"I'll be right there." I say jumping off the bed and hung up my phone. I rush out of the motel and into my car. It didn't take long until I got to the hospital, my heart beating fast as I ran into the reception area.

"Brandon Saad?" I ask, doubling over in two to catch my breath.

"Room 103." The receptionist tells looking up at me. I thank her and rush off to his room. I push open the door to his room and instantly my heart stops beating, all I want to do is cry at the sight of him. Cuts and bruises cover his ghost white body. He lies completely motionless like he is already dead. But he's not, he can't be. He cannot die on me. The slow rising of his chest gives me a little bit of hope.

"Brandon." I whisper to myself as I walk over to him. I pull out the chair and sit down beside him. I slip my hand into his and the coldness of it makes me jump slightly, I let my tears finally fall as I stare at Brandon

"Don't go, please don't go." I sob slightly leaning my head against his chest.

"I need you Brandon. Please don't give up, don't give up." I breathe in and out to calm myself down, but it didn't work. I eventually cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

"You probably can't hear this, but I want you to know that I love you so much even after our fight. I love you more than anyone in the world, you can't give up Brandon. I won't let you, our child needs a father." I sob putting my hand on my stomach that would eventually be extremely large with a child inside it. If only Brandon was awake to hear what I had to say.

"I love you Brandon, come back please." I whisper. Eventually I cried myself to sleep with Brandon's hand in mine and my head against his chest, and my other hand against my stomach.

_ _ _ _ _

A week later and there is still no sign of Brandon waking up. The doctors had thought to take him of life support, but I denied. I won't give up on him so easily, but with it being such a long time without him being awake it is time I prepare for the worst.

I walk into his room with a sad smile, he still lies motionless in the bed. I take a seat beside him and slip my hand into his, I gave a light squeeze before speaking.

"Hey, Brandon." I say giving him a sad smile. He says nothing back, his eyes still closed and his chest rises slowly.

"I want you to know that it's OK if you want to let go. I won't be mad at you if you don't have the strength to carry on, I know you are a strong person, but this is the strongest you have had to be in a long time. I will be sad at first because you are no longer here, but I will learn to live with it because I know you'll never truly leave me. You'll always be here, in my heart and my memory. Whenever I'm sad, I will remember the good times we had together. I will tell our child about how much of an amazing man you were. I will carry your life with pride and happiness, you'll always be with me Brandon. I love you so much that it hurts to say this, but if you want to give into deaths embrace, you can. Remember, I love you so much and I always will do." I tell leaning over and kiss him gently on his forehead. I give a weak smile as tears cloud my vision of him. Taking one last look at Brandon, I smile widely at the privilege of knowing him before walking out the door.

"Your daddy was one of the best men I have known." I whisper looking down to my stomach and put my hand on my stomach. I see Cam sitting outside his room, he sees me and stands up quickly.

"Hey Y/N." Cam says walking up to me. I look up from my stomach and gave Cam the best smile I can muster out of my tired state.

"Hey." I sigh sitting on the chair outside Brandon's room.

"How's he doing?" Cam asks sitting beside me.

"Same as the week before, no signs of improvement. If the doctors ask to pull the plug, I might agree to it." I reply tiredly leaning my head against Cam's shoulder, my eyes slowly close as the tiredness finally takes over my body.

What feels like seconds, but I know has been well over an hour, I wake to see Cam shaking my shoulder. I slowly open my eyes to see him looking at me with a giant smile on his lips, I raise my head to him and look worriedly towards him.

"What?" I whisper out in fear.

"He's awake. Brandon is awake."

A/N: I think I will do a part 3 of this! Also remember my Mitch Marner imagines? I will be doing a part three of that one too, I just haven't gotten round to completing that one yet.


HOCKEY IMAGINES [ UNEDITED ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora