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The next week after Johnny and I's break up was horrible and painful. I tried my hardest to avoid Johnny in every way possible, but he always knew where I would be. He would always pop up out whenever I least expected it and whenever I saw him, he looks as miserable as I am and feel. Those brown eyes that once drew me into him has never looked so dull and lifeless as they do now, and it is all my fault for breaking up with him.

It was silly to break up with Johnny, but I felt then that it needed to be done. Now, not so much. Now I feel like a complete idiot for breaking up with him on our anniversary. I just wish I could say sorry to him and hope that we could try again.

Saturday night rolls around and I lie in my bed, multiple blankets around my body as I devour another tub Ben&Jerry's ice cream in my misery. Most of my Saturday nights would be spent out with Johnny at one of his home games and then spending the rest of night together. Now, I am spent in my bed crying and wishing I was with Johnny again.

Hauling myself out of bed, I walk slowly down stairs and open my freezer to find no more tubs of ice cream. I let out a large sigh and close the door, my mother walks down stairs and sighs when she finally sees the state I am in.

"Oh, darling. You look horrible." She tells walking into the kitchen.

"Gee mom, thanks. It's not like I am heartbroken at my own stupid decision to break up with Johnny." I say rolling my eyes at my mothers comment.

"I am just telling you how it is, I don't like seeing you like this." She says giving a simple shrug.

"Can you just give Johnny a call and apologize? I miss him having him around and you are miserable without him beside you." She asks glancing over at me to see my reaction. I let a sigh escape my lips and I rest my head in my hands.

"I want too, but I don't think he wants to speak to me. I ruined our anniversary, I ruined our relationship. But I just felt I was the last thing on his mind and that I was competing for his attention, and I don't want that." I reply rising my head to see Johnny standing in the door way to the kitchen.

"I called him here, you two need to talk this through. You are both miserable and in need of each others love, because by gosh do you two love each other so much. So work it out now." My eyes widen when I see my mother pat him on his back and walk away, leaving the two of us alone in the kitchen.

He stands staring at me, his eyes bloodshot and dark circles underneath them. He looks rough, his hair is misshapen and slight stubble leans his jaw. I nod my head towards the chair in front of me and he slowly moves over, he sits down and I speak up first.

"I am sorry." I say and watch as Johnny shakes his head.

"No, no." Johnny tells as he continues shaking his head. "I am the one who should be sorry, I messed up. I didn't see that you were hurting because of my actions, I should have seen that and yet I didn't."

"But I was silly to act without talking to you, I shouldn't have done what I did." I reply looking to Johnny.

"I understand why you did it, I understand why you thought it was a good idea for us to break up. It was my own stupidity to why we broke up, I just wish we could have another chance together." Johnny mumbles the last part and looks to his hands. I nod my head at his words and reach out to take a hold of his hands.

"I want another chance with you, I am absolutely miserable without you in my life. I can't think to why I didn't stop you leaving that night, I was just upset that you forgot about our anniversary with it being our three years together." I say quietly, but it makes Johnny raise his head. He stares at me wide eyed, shocked at my words.

"You want to give me another chances?" He asks and his voice cracks as he holds back tears.

"I do, I want you back. I don't care that you spend time with your teammates, all I want is a little time spent with my boyfriend and him not forgetting it." I nod. Johnny stands up from his chair and moves towards me, he drops to his knees and wraps his arms around my torso and rests his head against my chest. His actions has me welling up with tears, I wrap my arms around him as well and rest my head against his curly hair.

"I love you so much, so much." He mutters into my chest. "I didn't know what would happen if you didn't want me back, I just miss you so much."

"That week was horrible for me, I don't think I could deal with us being apart for much longer." I say gently running my fingers through his brown locks.

"Move in with me?" Johnny asks moving out of my hold and keeps his hands on my arms. I look at him in slight shock, we talked about moving in together but never got round to doing it. Now, I don't hesitate in answer with yes.

"Of course." I nod. Johnny stands up and pulls me into his arms, he holds me close to him and I go to kiss him, but he pulls back.

"Your mother is watching us." Johnny chuckles into my ear. I peak over his shoulder to see my mother watching us with a smile on her face, I blush when she winks at me and moves away.

"I love you so much, darling." Johnny mutters before placing his lips against mine. 

"I love you too." I reply against Johnny's lips. He smiles into our kiss and holds me close to him, I let Johnny hold me as his breaks our kiss. He rests his chin against my head and gently sways us, my arms still wrapped around him. 

"I won't let you go again."

HOCKEY IMAGINES [ UNEDITED ]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora