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"Come on Y/N, it's only a party." Mitch sighed throwing himself onto my bed. I rolled my eyes at Mitch's words.

"Yeah, it is a party to you but to me it's ruining my chances to get into Duke." I told spinning around in my chair, my hair pushed up into a messy bun and my glasses rested on the bottom of my nose. It is Mitch's turn to roll his eyes at me.

"Y/N, you are going to get into Duke no doubt about it, but you need to let loose for once." Mitch said flicking through the textbooks that stack my bedside table.

"And maybe you'll have a little fun and meet someone, somebody like a boy and possibly date." He shrugged turning his nose up in disgust at the books and looked over at me.

"Hey, I do have fun." I protested standing up and walked over to my bed.

"Yeah, you're fun is reading books. That's so much fun!" Mitch said sarcastically laying down, his hands behind his head as he kicked his shoes off.

"Books are fun." I argued giving Mitch a shove.

"That's what you think." He chuckled.

"I know so." I shot back grabbing my physics textbook of the table.

"Will you just come for like an hour? You need to get out before you go insane." Mitch commented gesturing his hands to my room which over followed with textbooks and notes.

"I can come for thirty minutes, no later." I told pointing to Mitch.

"Great, you are gonna have fun I promise you." Mitch smiled patting my shoulder as he pushed himself off my bed.

"Last time you said I would have fun I ended up getting a broken arm, I've learnt from then Mitch." I shot back throwing a pillow at him.

"You put your arm out to stop you falling, obviously you would have broken you arm." Mitch said giving a little shrug as he pulled his shoes back on.

"What time do I need to be at yours for?" I rolled my eyes at his comment.

"Eight and bring some food." Mitch shouted walking out of my room. I rolled my eyes again and went back to studying.

_ _ _ _ _

I walked up to Mitch's house and knocked the door, it didn't take long until Mitch appeared on the other side.

"Hey Y/N." He grinned stepping out and draped an arm over my shoulder.

"Guys my cousin's here!" Mitch shouted as we walked into the living room. Sat on the floor is a bunch of guys, their attention on me as Mitch introduced me to them.

"Y/N this is some of the team, guys this is Y/N my cousin." Mitch said pointing to the guys on the floor.

"That's Chris, Cliff, Evan, Brandon and last but not least, Matthew." Mitch said pointing to the dirty blonde haired male sitting on the opposite side of room, his face buried in his phone showing no attention to the world around him.

"Yo Matt, we've company." The guy named Evan shouted throwing a chip at the guy named Matt, he looked up from his phone and his eyes immediately came into contact with mine. I felt my cheeks heat up at the sight of Matthew, his eyes darted away from mine and mine heart dropped slightly as they did.

"Here, I brought food like you asked." I said handing Mitch a bag full of sweets and drinks.

"Yeah!" Mitch shouted throwing the bag into the air, the boys sat on the floor howled and threw their hands into the air while Matthew did nothing, he stayed silent glancing between me and his phone. I took place beside Mitch on the floor and got into a conversation with the boys, my eyes taking sneaky glances at Matthew sometimes catching him looking at me and when our eyes meet his dart away quickly.

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