It sounded like a good plan to me but Dumbledore seemed to disagree, "I'm sure he doesn't hate you. In fact I'm sure he would love it if you stuck around and talked to him. You can make it seem like an accident if it would be more comfortable for you."

Hesitant to agree I said, "Well I don't know. I'm sure he hates me for leaving like that."

Softly the Headmaster said, "He doesn't hate you. I'm sure he would be delighted if you talked to him and let him tell you the truth."

"Okay," I said slowly.

Suddenly the door opened and Severus strolled in the room. I turned around and he froze in his steps. I didn't know what to do so I stood there.

"Listen I can explain," he said taking a step towards me, "I know you probably hate me right now but I assure you there is more to the story."

Looking at the ground I said quietly, "I know. I asked Headmaster and he said you're a good guy. Relatively speaking of course."

He looked relieved and said mainly to Dumbledore, "How much did he tell you?"

He replied, "Just enough that she would trust you to tell her the rest."

He relaxed a little more and asked, "Will you let me tell you?"

Barely above a whisper I answered, "Yes."

He nodded and swept out of the room and down the stairs. Rolling my eyes I followed him until we reached his office.

He went inside and locked the door behind me, then made it impossible to hear out conversation.

He started to pace the room and said, "I'm not sure what Albus told you but I'm glad you're letting me explain."

"Sorry," I said.

He stopped pacing and stood in front of me, "What did you say?" he asked in his usual cold steely voice.

Louder I said, "I'm sorry."

He sighed and said, "It's not your fault. If I was in your place I would have reacted the same way you did. Although you shouldn't say sorry anymore. It wasn't your fault, so there is nothing to be sorry about."

"Well still sorry."

I looked up long enough to see his face contort into an angry looking face. He looked like he was mad at me and on instinct I flinched back as I had all my childhood.

He immediately softened his features, "Stop. I'm not going to hurt you."

I felt bad and said, "Sorry."

"There is no need to apologize," he said softer than before.

I nodded and fought tears as I looked down. Before I knew what was happening my father had his arms around me and was holding me tightly.

"I love you," he whispered into my hair.

The tears started to come and soon they were falling down my cheeks quickly. I buried my face in his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

I pulled away, wiped my eyes and said, "I love you too."

"Well I need to tell you about my past or you are going to hate me for all eternity."

I nodded and followed him over to the couch. I sat down but he stayed standing. He started to pace in front of me, running his hands through his hair.

I grabbed his robes and said, "Calm down."

He stopped pacing and sat down then stood back up again before sitting down for good, "Well I'll start from the beginning."

He tried to stand up again and I pulled his hand and he stayed seated, "Relax. I'm not going to hate you and I promise I'll stay for the whole story this time."

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