Chapter 142~!

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This chapter is really serious, guys. Just thought you should have a warning for that.


"Uh... training?" I asked dumbly. "Why...?"

"You didn't even notice when Japan snuck up behind you and took your phone," China said, and my hand flew to my pocket automatically. It was empty! From behind a stand-alone, thin partition, Japan appeared and held up the device almost apologetically.

"What does that prove?" I asked, accepting it when he came around the table and gave it back to me. "I don't see a point."

"You've been hearing whispers," Kadi stated. "You see terrible nightmares. You have questions with no answers and nothing has felt quite the same since your soul journey ever began."

Okay, now this was getting scary. "... Yeah. And?"

"You're going to have to trust me, Melina," she said. "Because what I'm going to tell you won't make sense, and it'll be hard to take in."

"Kadi, you're making me really worried now." I had to resist the urge to stand up and walk out of the room right then and there.

"You've been chosen to fight for this world, and you need to train for that battle so you don't lose," the ancient nation began. "Which is why you're here. I can't think of anyone better to train you than Yao, Kiku, Im Yong, Leon, and Xiao Mei."

"Who chose me?" I blurted out. "This doesn't make any sense!"

"I know it doesn't." Kadi sighed and shook her head, silver braids shaking a little with the movement. "This is going to be a lot of information to take in, so just bear with me, alright?"

"I'll try," I replied. "But I don't like where this is going."

After a nod from Kadi, China stood up and both he and Japan left us alone. I suddenly didn't want to be left alone with my aunt.

"You don't trust me, Melina," she stated. "Not the way you used to."

"No, not really. I tried to overlook what had happened before our kids were kidnapped, but still. Nothing is connecting anymore about you."

"I'll do my best to connect those dots for you, Mel," she said, and the worry lines in her face became more evident. "Imagine a huge battle, one that rages on in the background of reality. It's been there since the dawn of creation, and the two sides of it are the Light and the Dark. In essence, good and evil, though nothing is ever that simple.

"Some dimensions are influenced more by either the Light or the Dark. For example, the 2p world is more Dark than Light, whereas our world, this one, is actually teetering on the balance between both. It's been that way for a long time.

"This is where your role comes in, though," Kadi continued, and I could feel my ears perk up. "Every generation, someone is born as the person to be a champion for the Light. Meanwhile, an agent of the Dark is waiting for that champion to be prepared for the fight that will determine whether your world is corrupted further by the Dark or if it is blessed with peace-- that only happens if you win, of course."

"You said someone is "born" as the champion just now," I pointed out. "But earlier you said I was chosen."

"Well, that's kind of complicated. It has to do with soul recycling, or reincarnation of a sort. Your soul isn't exactly normal." Kadi smirked. "Didn't something happen with your soul while you were in Hell? It was pulled from your body and became aware, which is impossible for normal souls."

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