"So who's party is this?" I asked turning the loud music down. Dylan insists on blaring his music until you can hardly hear yourself think.

"Just some friends from high school! His name is Jacob, he's pretty cool. His parents are almost never home so it's the prime place for parties. Most of us are attending UCLA so it's never a bad idea to make some friends from the school and area."

We pulled up to another large house that was dark red brick. It's pretty but has nothing on Dylan's. We park in front and get out to start walking up there. There were people standing in the front dancing, making out, throwing up, anything you see in the movies really. The music that I heard bumping from the outside quickly got louder as we entered.

"I didn't think parties like this actually existed. I thought you only see these kinds of things on TV." I quietly said as we entered into the house.

"Man, you've really been missing out in Kansas huh? Welcome to it, it's real. Just be careful, people can get pretty stupid at these things." Dylan spoke into my ear.

Our conversation was cut short but a group of guys coming up to say hello to Dylan. I got stares from them all and could easily hear them asking about me. I took the opportunity to introduce myself to them all. They all seemed pretty cool, I even remember a few of the faces from the beach party.

"Hey Dylan, I really gotta use the bathroom. I'll catch up with you in a sec!" I basically had to yell that at him because the music kept getting louder.

"You sure you don't want me to come with?" He asked looking concerned.

"I think I'll be okay. Go catch up with some friends, I'm sure I won't be too lost without you" I winked.

"Alright, don't talk to strangers and don't accept drinks from anyone!" He shook his finger at me.

"I didn't live under a rock Dylan, the parties are just in wheat fields." I stated rolling my eyes. He laughed and walked away with the group of guys.

Now comes the challenging part: finding the bathroom. Preferably an isolated bathroom.

I roamed around looking for one and decided to take an empty hallway. Before I could walk down I bumped into somebody dumping his drink on him.

"Oh my god, I'm such an idiot." I said rubbing my head and finally looking up into this persons eyes.

My lanta. Those eyes. They're a beautiful green that glowed so bright. His tan skin and dimples were hard to miss too.

He laughed real low and sat his cup down on a table in the hallway.

"I'm Aidan, nice to meet you idiot." He chuckled offering his hand.

"Well my friends call me Cheyenne but idiot probably suits the situation a little better right now." I replied. I couldn't help but smile about it either.

"It's alright, I didn't even like this shirt that much anyways." He said in attempt to make me feel better about it all.

"Umm I was actually looking for the bathroom so I could help you clean up? It's the least I could do right now." I offered.

"Yeah, I guess you could. Here, it's right down this hall." Aidan replied putting his hand on my lower back to guide me there.

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