TBBFL 39: Finally Out

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It was funny how just minutes ago, Cielo had longed to hear her name escape from the lips of the person she'd been missing so much. She would have given anything to hear how her name sounded in his voice— so that she could witness how her name passed through his lips.

But at the moment, all she could feel was a pang in her heart as she gripped the pictures in her hands.

"Cielo," her name was called again. Although this time, she could detect how it sounded so vulnerable, so helpless. It sounded like someone was running a marathon just to know that by the end of the finish line, it was already too late. Another person had already taken the prize.

"How could you?" she asked, almost whispering. Yet the question could be heard easily in the pin-drop-silent room.

She waited. Cielo waited for an answer. There was no need for her to elaborate. What she was asking about was perfectly clear. She was in his own room for goodness sake. His book was on the floor and the photos it contained were clutched tightly in her hands. How could he not know what the question was pertaining to?

"How could you do this to me?" she asked for a second time when she received no answer.

Cielo was keeping all her emotions bottled up. However, she knew that Chancer could easily unleash them with just a few simple words. The man was her downfall.

"I'm sorry."

And with that, Cielo felt her control weakening. She wanted to shout at him, hit him, give back all the hurt and pain he'd caused her. But she wouldn't. Even though she could hardly breathe from the tightness in her chest, she still wanted to hear that everything was a lie— that everything was just a joke they could laugh about.

Standing up straight from her crouched down figure, Cielo turned around to confront him. She wore a wide grin on her lips, but anyone could tell that it was forced.

"I didn't know you were into this kind of photography, Chancer," she said as if nothing was amiss. "Whose pictures are these? A relative's? A friend's? Yours?" An innocent, curious look was plastered on her face.

"Hear me out. Please." Chancer choked out, not directly responding to her question.

On his trip back home to Cielo, he was set on going straight to her condo, then surprising her with his kisses and his love. Only God knew how much he yearned for her to be in his arms again, to taste her sweet, soft lips again.

Imagine how dreadful he felt when he learned from one of his maids that his woman was in his villa, specifically in the room where the skeletons in his closet were held captive.

For the first time in a long time, Chancer was scared— terrified even. He had played different scenarios in his head about how he would tell Cielo the story behind his betrayal, but he'd never pictured it happening like this.

He thought he had prepared himself well for what the consequences would be, but right now, as he stood in front of his first lady, all he could do was stare at her faux smile with his heart clenching in guilt and regret.

"Look, Chancer! Ginger is in your pictures too! You know her, right? She's Mike's childhood best friend. They were separated but got in touch when Mike saw her making out with uhmm... who was that again? Oh dumb me! It was you. Touching story, isn't it?" Cielo chuckled. Plastered across the photo she was waving at him was an image of a beautiful girl with red hair.

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