TBBFL 38: Picture Perfect

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"So Chancer's plane will land in about three hours, and the drive back to the villa will take about two hours. All in all, he'll be back at around ten o'clock tonight."

I nodded at Bianca as I continued to search through various types of sexy lingerie, looking for the perfect piece. I didn't have a specific kind in mind. I was just waiting for a eureka moment wherein I had found 'the one'.

"You should have come to Victoria's Secret three days ago. They had a sale, and I hoarded these babies," I averted my eyes to what she was holding, and almost had a heart attack when I saw the red thing. Holy Satan's balls.

"Dafuq?! What is that made of? Threads?!" I exclaimed.

Bianca waved it around her finger, smirking at me. "It's called a g-string for a reason, babe."

"It doesn't even cover anything. You're just spending a ridiculous amount of money on a... wait a minute! Why would you need to hoard those, huh? Are you and Mike having s—"

"Gosh no!" Bianca said quickly, her eyes wide. Then, as if considering what I had said, she regained her composure, an attentive look on her face. "Not yet at least. I'll probably have to invest in a set of lingerie though. Hmmm... what do you think about the garment that mannequin is wearing?" She pointed out one of the mannequins positioned in the center of the shop.

The second I set eyes on the piece that was on it, I was determined not to set a foot out of the store without the damn thing in my hand.

The piece was beautiful... sexy... wild. Perfect. How I hadn't spotted it before, I had no idea.

It was a white babydoll lingerie with delicate lace and silver beads as accents. A small bowknot was wrapped around the waist, giving it a touch of cuteness. And the fact that it was see-through made it even more sinful.

"Me... want... buy," I murmured, unable to form a proper sentence because my perverted brain couldn't stop imagining how Chancer would react once he saw this— once he saw me in this. He would love it.

"I knew it! I freakin' knew it!"

I was snapped out of my little fantasy when Bianca held both my shoulders and moved me so that I was facing her.

"You little slút! You were looking for lingerie! Who are you going to wear it for? For your boytoy? For Chancer?!"

Heat spread over my cheeks when Bianca had hit the nail on the head. Scratching my nape the way I did when I felt guilty, I looked away from her. Well, tried to.

"Oh no, you bítch! Don't you dare avoid my question! Like really? Are you serious? You're going to surrender your pearls to that dirty pirate?!"

Flinching from her ear-splitting voice, I covered my ears with both my hands and glared at her. Pearls? Pirates? Had she been watching 'Pirates of the Caribbean' again?

When I made sure she was done with her dramatic reaction, I slowly lowered my hands. "It's not like I'm a virgin, Bianca. And it's not like Chancer is one either," I said bitterly.

Bianca watched me intently, as if she was searching for something. She had her brows set in one line, and her eyes held a suspicious look. I hated it when she did that. It was like she was looking at my naked soul, and I had nowhere to hide.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her eyes never changing. "You're not just doing this because you feel like you're obligated to?"

I froze.

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