TBBFL 16: Whether You Like It Or Not

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"Are you going home?"

I took my time dabbing Chancer's bruised hand with a soft towel soaked in warm water. Judging by his swollen fist, it must hurt a lot after punching the hard sand bag. I didn't understand him. I couldn't guess if he had wanted to let all his anger out or if he was just being a masochist.

"No, Chancer. I'm staying here," I answered, my voice low.

He closed his eyes for a second and then opened them again. I found myself staring at his gentle blue eyes as he looked at me with longing. I was sure I was looking at him the same way too. I hadn't really had a chance to stare at his handsome face since I had first seen him after years of being gone. But now, I could clearly see his features, which always did and probably always would make my heart hyperventilate.

His brightly colored eyes, framed by thick, dark lashes, balanced his brown brows and light reddish lips. His high cheekbones and perfectly chiseled jaw completed his Adonis look. The gods had truly done a good job carving such a fine specimen as Chancer.

"Sleep," I said to him.

For the past few moments, we had just been staring into each other's eyes. I felt so self-conscious under his intense gaze. Thinking of the current state of my hygiene, I started to feel more insecure. I haven't taken a goddamn bath yet! And holy Satan's balls, I haven't brushed my teeth since yesterday! This is beyond embarrassing!

"No," he stubbornly answered.

"Fine, just don't look at me. Look out the window or something," I commanded, turning his head to look out the window.

He grabbed the hand I had just used to turn his head away and brushed his lips against the back of my palm while remaining eye-contact with me. My eyes widened because of his actions and I felt the urge to pull my hand back, but his lips were so soft and warm that the urge vanished almost immediately.

"Why would I stare at such a boring view when I can stare at the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on?" He murmured, placing my hands on his cheeks. He continued to stare at me as if his eyes were capturing the essence of both our skins together.

This time I pulled my hand back and proceeded to dampen his other bruised hand with the towel. I acted like nothing had happened and tried to focus on his hand. I felt like the room had gotten warmer. Or maybe it was just me.

"Cielo, no need to hide your blush. Come on, let me see your face. I want to see you."

I let go of the towel and his hand. I face palmed, desperately trying to hide my face, when I felt the heat rise from my neck to my cheeks.

"Cielo, please. I need to see your eyes. Enchant me again with those deep, dark orbs I love so much. Make me forget the pain I'm feeling."

He sounded like a prince charming with his flowery words. It really contradicted his bad boy image. But I liked it. A prince behind a bad boy.

Gathering all my courage, I plastered on my best emotionless expression and removed my hands, only to see Chancer's face near mine. Shocked, I shrieked right in his face then pushed him back with great strength.

Shit, wait a second! Why the Satan's balls did I shout on his face? I still have bad breath! Deym! Sorry, Chancer!

"Oh my God! Chancer, are you okay?" I stood up and looked over the side of the bed. He had fallen. He was on the marbled floor now, a pained look on his face.

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