TBBFL 11: They're Here

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"It is written in the memorandum that classes today will be cut short because of Chancer's rampage. Mr. Alvarez found out about what happened so he called the principal right away. He apologized on behalf of his son and assured the administration that all the possessions Chancer damaged will be replaced with new ones."

Zion informed Mike while eyeing the memorandum in his hands. Chancer was in big trouble. His father had actually found out about what happened, and he was none too pleased about it.

"So half day today?"

"Yes, and there will be no classes for the rest of the week."

Mike thought about what Zion had said. Why wouldn't there be classes for rest of the week? It was easy to fix and replace the broken materials.

"Why?" Mike asked.

Zion sighed before answering. "We will be the ones taking care of everything. And by everything, I mean cleaning all the broken glass, buying replacements for damaged possessions, and the best damn thing of all, not receiving outside help. Do you finally realize what that means?"

Zion's voice was calm but Mike knew his friend well enough to tell that he was annoyed. Zion didn't cuss when he didn't need to. Hearing him say a curse word would be new to Mike's ears.

"No. Please explain again, Zion." Mike scratched the back of his neck.

Zion sighed once again, clearly annoyed. "What I meant to say is, we have to fix everything by ourselves with no help. And also, that's the reason why there's no school on the following days. Do you get it now?"

Mike was shocked at what he'd heard. He almost jumped as he stood up, snatching the memorandum from Zion's hands and tearing it apart. He stepped on the piece of paper many times in hopes that no one could read it.

"There! It's gone! We don't need to do the cleaning shit anymore. We can rest now! Yes," Mike triumphed.

Zion looked at his stupid companion. "That's nonsense. Even if you ruin all the memoranda they distributed, Mr. Alvarez won't let us get out of cleaning. Give up, Mike. We can't do anything about it."

Pouting, Mike sighed and sat once again on the chair. He looked at Chancer who was still lying on top of the grand piano, looking at the ceiling. Mike knew that he had heard everything. He just hoped that Chancer regretted what he'd done. Though they weren't the ones who destroyed half of the campus, they were still affected by Chancer's actions. "It would've been better if he was forced to clean up by himself," Mike thought.

Then, he suddenly remembered Cielo and Zane. Hell, maybe they were trying to kill each other right about now. He got up and walked straight to the door.

"Where are you going?" Zion questioned, eyeing him suspiciously.

When he got out of the music room, he turned around. "To my condo."


Mike stood in front of room sixty-nine, remembering how Cielo had laughed about the number. She was such a pervert.

In his hands were bags of fast food which he'd gotten from a restaurant and Zane's medicine. Noodles were the only thing he had in his kitchen and he knew that Cielo and Zion were starving, so for the second time, he acted like a good Samaritan and decided to feed them.

As he was searching for the spare key from one of the zippers in his wallet, he stopped when he noticed the picture of a girl that he kept in his wallet. He had switched wallets countless times but he'd never gotten rid of that picture. Smiling at the memories it brought back, he proceeded to search for the key which he found immediately.

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