TBBFL 15: I Got You

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As Mike and I strolled into the living room, I noticed how awfully quiet it was. It felt like I could drop a pin and still hear the small impact it made with the ground. I was expecting to hear a few bones crack and someone yelling while we were walking but all I could hear was silence. Are they already dead? Had they've been taken by the small ants residing underneath the appliances?

"Shit," Mike cussed beside me. He was probably thinking the same thing. I noticed how his body stiffened and he paused for a second. Then his face darkened and he walked faster, more like ran.

I mimicked his actions. I also wanted to get there sooner. This was bad. I didn't want Chancer to get eaten by the red ants despite all his wrongdoings. I didn't want anything bad happening to him in general. He may be a jerk and a díck and a cóck and pussy, okay maybe not a pussy, but deep down in his ribcage, he still had a tiny jet black heart.

The only thing keeping me calm right now was the idea that Chancer wouldn't kill his own friends. That was why I was blaming the ants for it.

Finally, after what seemed like a long walk, we reached the living room. We stopped to take in the scene before us. My eyes travelled everywhere, looking for patches of blood and a pile of three dead bodies. Just the thought of it made me want to puke. I looked at everything— even at the vase of white roses on top of the large oval shaped table in the middle of the living room, hoping there were no traces of blood.

My breath hitched when I saw nothing after searching. None. Nada. Where are they?! Where the hell are they?!

Mike seemed to detect my uneasiness so he patted my back gently. It did calm me down, but just for a minute. I still had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Hey, you okay? Let's get you to bed again. You don't look like you're feeling very well," Mike soothed me.

"No, let's look for them," I stubbornly replied back. I wanted to know what was happening and I wanted to know it now. Mike was aware that nothing could stop me when my decision was final.

"Okay, but if you've had enough, just tell me." I nodded in response.

"You don't have to worry about a thing. They're big men; they can take care of themselves. Maybe they're at—" Then he got quiet as if he was thinking. I whipped my head around to look at him.

"What? Tell me!" It was annoying when people stopped mid-sentence. It made me think that maybe they had gotten a stroke or something.

"I think I know where they are," Mike said all of a sudden, making me narrow my eyes at him.

"Hell, Mike! Why didn't you say that before?" I yelled as I slapped the back of his head. He flinched and moved away from me. I was about to hit him again but he shook his hands, gesturing no.

"I just realized it now. Memory gap?" He said. That was the most stupid excuse I had ever heard. Memory gap? Really?

"Yeah, whatever. Just eat your memory gap shit." I glared at him. He should have thought of it sooner. I could have died from worry, for goodness' sake.

He stuck out his tongue. Eww. Gross.

"Come, Cielo. I know for sure they're at—"

"Cum? You want me to cum? My God, Mike! I'm not having sex with you!" I exaggerated, pretending that I had heard cum instead of come. Ah, it's so nice teasing him.

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