TBBFL 21: One Hell Of A Night

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"How about tomorrow evening?"


"The day after tomorrow?"


"How about three days from now?"

"Hmm, let me think about it... No."

Chancer's shoulders visibly dropped at my constant rejection. He had just been asking me to 'hang out' with him, but to me, his plans sounded more like a date. Even though I had given him all the reasons I could come up with for why I couldn't go, he was still insistent.

I had already given the excuse that I had plans to go shopping with Bianca (though I actually hated shopping), I had a project to do (though I didn't really have one and I didn't give two shits about school), and that I had a dog to take care of (even though he knew I hated those furballs).

Chancer was still eager to go. He didn't believe any of my lame excuses. Earlier, I had overheard Mike telling him to ask me on a date on the basis that it would be good for our relationship. We had been apart for two years; we had a lot of catching up to do. Plus, dates would win Chancer some brownie points with me. Mike's words, not mine.

"Damn it, come on! Aren't you free at least one day this week? I know you have a really hectic schedule, but can't you at least squeeze me in somewhere? I will do anything if I fùcking have to. I really want to be with you, Cielo. Please," Chancer pleaded.

My eyes softened. I was conflicted. It was apparent that he was making an effort to rekindle our relationship. Moving on definitely wasn't a walk in the park but I had this slight hope that someday I wouldn't carry this burden for much longer. It had been two years already.

"I... I don't know what to say," I murmured. Why was it so difficult for me to give him a definitive answer?

"Say yes. Say you'll go out with me." One of his hands held mine and the other one lovingly cupped my cheek. He stared at me like I was the most precious jewel he had ever laid eyes on. It scared me.

We both stared at each other. And from that moment, I knew I had to stop this eye-pleading thing Chancer was doing. I had to make him stop before I jumped on him and kissed him endlessly. I stepped away, noticing the hurt look in his eyes, and went to the music room where the whole rest of the gang was hanging out.

"So, what happened?" Zion asked as soon as I entered the room. I gave him a shrug.

"I can't help but pity Chancer. If you don't want him, auction him off or something. That way, you'll have money. Or, if you don't want Chancer to be taken by some old sugar mommy, you can just give him and his yumminess to your best friend," Bianca suggested, earning a sigh from me.

Mike walked towards Bianca, encircling his arms around her waist when he got near. "I thought my yumminess was enough for you?" Mike pouted as she chuckled, poking his biceps while winking. Urgh.

"So guys, tomorrow's Saturday. Movie night at the villa?" Mike announced. He received positive feedbacks from Zion, Lei, and Bianca, but not from Zane.

"What's wrong?" Mike asked.

"There's nothing wrong. I... uh... I have something else to do. Maybe some other time?" Mike eyed Zane suspiciously. He never missed Saturday movie nights. I tried hard to hide the smirk that was about to break out across my face.

"You sure?" He nodded.

"Okay then." Mike shrugged and dropped the subject.

I slumped myself on top of the grand piano and prepared myself for a quick nap. But before I could fall asleep, a figure overshadowed me. I groaned, knowing whose shadow it was. "How many times do I have to tell you my answer is no?"

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