"No but all I could remember was that he had either brown or black hair."

She nodded her head then smiled the same smile Lexwith gave me this morning; creepy and mischievous.

My head started pounding again, and I winced very visibly.
"Come on let's get you to your room." Said the nurse who I forgot was standing here.

They all accompanied me to my room which was on the 3rd floor; room 333. When the lights were turned on I was surprised to find all my belongings there. No. Not just the clothes my parents brought by also the things I had on me while I was at school.

My school bag.
My notebook.
And my phone. Plugged in. Charging.

The nurse said that the boy who dropped me here chose this room and put all my things here and disappeared without a word. Talk about creepy. Well I mean that's really nice of him and all but leaving without even saying his name AND CALLING HIMSELF MY BROTHER. I would definitely come back to this again but for now I needed to rest.

After I was settled, my parents decided that they'd be going back home to bring a change of clothes and that they'd be back by my side.

"No, No and No." I cut them off. "I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself for one night. You guys go home and come back tomorrow." I said trying to fold my arms in front of me.

They looked at each other for a total of 3 seconds, and I kid you not, they started laughing so hard they were crying. I mean full on laughing and slapping their knees.

"Sweety we love you and all but don't talk about taking care of yourself when you almost died." My dad said between laughs.

I just stared at them, standing my ground until they gave in.
He cleared his throat.

"Fine ok Miss I can take care of myself. We're coming in the morning and we're bringing you lots and lots of french fries." My dad said with his famous 100 megawatt smile.

"But Jared we can't leave her here alone." My mom said.

"Why not? She's in a hospital - the safest place she could be in - and she has around the clock care. She needs to rest and so do we. So we'll go now, Nessy honey, and we'll show up to bother her as soon as she wakes up. And besides you need to rest; we all do, lil rascal almost scared us to death." He said to her lovingly, kissing her forehead.

"Ummm I'm in the room by the way." I said

"Exactly it was meant to be heard." Replied my dad

"Ok honey cheeks we'll go home and come back first thing in the morning. If anything happens give us a call right away and we'll be here as soon as humanly possible ok?" Said my mom as she hugged me. Again. Way too tight.

"Will do mom, good night. Good night dad."

"Good night Lexy." They said together.

And with that they left, taking Annabelle with them, who insisted on staying. Annabelle has been with our family since we were in Canada. She would always brush my hair and sing me to sleep and I loved her as if she was my other mother.

I laid on my bed and got my phone with me. I saw 500+ messages from my friends all freaking out.

"The Hooligans of Bel Aire"

The Girl They Never NoticedWhere stories live. Discover now