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They made the first two turns, a left, then another left, but when they went to turn to the right, they ran straight into the snarling jaws of the beast..

Dan jumped back in panic. Denise had been running behind him, so she wasn't in as much danger.

The beast stared them down hungrily. It was hunched in a dangerous position, crouched on all fours like Dan had seen on the camera screens. The long claws scratched against the concrete floor, and saliva dripped from its jaws. Its snarls were unintelligible, but they knew it was angry.

It looked truly terrifying, and it certainly looked ready to kill.

"Whoops. Sorry. Forgot to mention: there is no maintenance room in the direction I sent you. In fact, I could turn on the auxiliary power from the control room. You're a fool for believing my plot that I conceived. You shouldn't believe a woman who just shot your little girlfriend for the thrill of it." Cornelia remarked over the speaker without regret, "but now, for your stupidity, both you and Denise will die. Goodbye, Daniel."

And then she went quiet.
Dan's eyes widened.

"Denise," Dan whispered, "slowly head back to the arena. Try not to make any sudden movements. Just take it steadily; I'll try to hold it off. Don't try to change my mind. I won't have anyone else dying if I can help it."

Denise seemed to also be slipping into shock, but she managed a nod and a barely audible, "okay."

The creatures' snarling only got louder when Denise started to move.

It was clear to Dan what had to be done.

"Denise," he said, "just run. I'll hold it back long enough for you to get out of here. Go."

For a second, nobody moved.

And then, Denise began to sprint, back the way they had come. At the sight of her sudden movement, the beast snapped into action, lunging towards Dan.

He jumped out of the way, and the beast crashed into the wall. Dan took this opportunity to try to run back to the arena, taking off in a rushed sprint.

He didn't get very far before the creature caught up with him. Dan already knew that he never stood a chance, but at least Denise did.

He was still running when he felt the creature slash at him.

Its claws ran up his spine towards his head, and he immediately dropped to his knees, losing all ability to move his limbs.

Dan's face hit the concrete, and he closed his eyes, knowing what fate awaited him.

He felt the creature step on him, stalking in the direction of Dan's head.

He then felt the hot breath of the beast upon his neck.

Dan became aware of everything. The hard concrete beneath his limp body, the stagnant air against his skin, the weight of the monster on top of him, the pain he felt. Not just the physical pain, but the mental pain; the grief, the heartache.

Everyone was dying.

"Help.." He tried to wheeze, but it only came out as a muffled mess.

And then he was aware of the jaws that wrapped around his temples.

And then the creature slammed its jaws shut.

It's a lie, Dan thought with his dying breaths, my life didn't flash before my eyes. All I saw was pain. This was a place of suffering, and nothing would change that. Thea died here, and now I will too.

And then Dan drew his last breath..

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