•Chapter 11•

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Ethan's POV

It's been 6 hours since our meeting. Anax after giving us the news went to train and the humans protectors followed her out.

How can I do what she asked of me? Keeping her away from someone that's made for her? Her sia? I can not even think of being away from my mate let alone seeing her with another male.

Why Gods? Why her? Why be cruel to the one person whose everything to us?

I feel a presence next to me.

"What are you thinking?" Said Arthur. I look at him to know he's worried as well. We all want to see her happy not lost.

"What can we do first her mate is already ready to mate another and then she can't give him what he needs and the guy is mortal so even if lissa somehow mate with him he'll age." I say closing my eyes.

"Boys you know what I'm imagining? the kind of smile lissa would give walking towards the soon to be alpha king while he would be waiting for her at the altar." Art says dreamily.

"If she walks towards him art. If" Sia joins in the conversation.

Arthur looks at them and then me.

"What if sia changes him?" Just as he finishes his sentence a growl comes out of me.

"I can not allow that changing him would kill his wolf and he would most definitely be unable to conceive. Chaos in my beings is not something I can allow." I say with a heavy heart. I am standing between her happiness. I'll always be standing in between it. How am I a friend to her? Arthur gets up angrily.

"If I have to I'll lock you up somewhere while I ask sia to change him or if she disagrees an entire coven. No matter what I will make sure she has a way to her mate." I was about to jump him when sia kissed me.

I open my eyes to see art doing the same to Arthur .

"Do not even think about going at eachother she will see a vision. She needs time" said sia.

"And I was wondering.." art said slowly gauging our reactions.

"What?" Asks Arthur lovingly.

"What if we find a way? For her to conceive? Or for him to be immortal-" she gives me a look to shut me up-"without killing his wolf therefore he will not need a successor. He will stay the alpha king." Said art. What she said does make sense and there must be some magic for that. There has to be.

"Okay let's do that but for now I have to go to school and do as she ordered." Getting up I mind-link ariston to meet me up.

"What do you want?" He asks stiffly.
"For you to go ask permission from the Alpha king to stay in this town."

"Why? Would I do that?" Narrowing his eyes at me.
"Because you are joining as wolf in our school a friendly rogue should ask permission. Before you ask why, you'll act as Anax's mate."

"I what?"

"You will act as her mate. He has not yet figured her out but plans to we do not want them touching. He kept staring at her and when he will know she's mates with a rogue he will not pay attention to her in order to keep peace between his pack and the rogues." I finish.

"Why would I do such thing? When I do not want the same outcome? She deserves a mate."

"You will do so cause now I am telling you to." Said the voice of our leader from behind us.

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