•Chapter 9•

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Ethan's POV

The first day went a bit faster than our days without school but the weird part was lissa didn't once speak or do literally anything she was quiet. We got a lot stares from people but weirdly enough I saw that soon to be alpha king had his eyes on us the entire time which now I think we should be worried about him he may be onto us or heard her growl and knows we aren't human? I am not scared of him knowing our secret I'm only trying to make sense of his eyes following us mostly lissa maybe he finds her beautiful which she is. Shouldn't the guy be staring at his own choice mate who always follow his gaze and end up glaring at lissa who was ignoring the entire world.

I am preparing for the meeting it's about to start since it's 12:00 am. What will she be talking about? Was Sia right? Was I in danger or the other protectors? I turn to my right to see al appear and nod at me as he sits on his chair in the meeting room. Slowly everyone starts appearing everyone but Anax and my mate. where is sia? I look around the room feeling her presence but not smelling her or seeing. Suddenly I feel darkness and realise someone's hands are covering my eyes and if they weren't pressed against my eyes I would most definitely roll my eye balls. That was so human of her!

"Guess who?" She sang. Scratch what I said earlier this was so human of her!

"The girl from last night?" I say as I remove her hands, grabbing and pulling them so she can stand infront of me. Making sure I had surprised look on my face.

"Oh it's you." I say in nonchalant tone.

"FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME ANTHANSIOS THATS NOT SOMETHING TO JOKE ABOUT!" Sia screamed to which I tried my best not to smile sia getting jealous is funny for me! I don't know why, who am I kidding? I know why she says she's going to kill the person who touches me and all but at the end of the day she's a protector. So what she does in her jealousy? Take it out on me which let me tell you since you can't see is very cute. The face she makes when she's angry or better yet fuming always gets me. The woman in front of me is my other half. There is no me if no her. We protect the species that are enemies yet that brings us closer. If only she could be more than my mate. If only she could be the mother of my child. A thing we both long to have is another life created by us but the thing is we aren't able I do not know what's it's about but it's been centuries since we decided we want a child but we are unable to so are Arthur and art. We refuse to believe that the Gods would be this mean to us. We want a life other than what we have. Maybe I had a frown on my face or a look in my eyes sia hugged me tightly.  She knows me well.

"It's okay" she whispered so soft that it was undoing a traitor tear left my eye and she gasped as it touched her. Looking at me she smiled sadly "it's alright eth we have more than enough. We are the lucky ones here at least we have each other." 

I knew what she meant well everyone in the room did while I want something more. All the others wanted a reason to live other than work.

"You know me so well" I smiled down her lovingly I'm sure cause she was right I was lucky to have her.

"That or it's your inability to close your mindlink said Arthur which earned him a slap at the back of his from art and al who were standing on each side of him.

I was about to reply when we felt the strongest aura. It was our leader. We all bowed to her which we are only allowed to do in meetings I had a lot of assumptions on this emergency meeting but none of them were close to what she said next.

"I found my mate"

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