•Chapter 4•

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sitting on the beach I stare at line where the sky meets the sea. It's calming. Living since more than 4000 years has it own kind of perks I knew exactly where this water goes which part or place it meets. Been to my share of places it's not even fun anymore. I sit thinking what did I do to deserve this?

The starting 100 years of my life were fun trying to know how much power I have in me. Understanding human nature along with vampires, werewolves and witches. I've never felt so alone.

Never mind I'll just go sleep for two days straight like I planned before coming out. Sleep and food are some human traits I've practiced it helps passing time and there is always some new food. It's fun and exciting. Going back in I head to the master bedroom.

Already so done with thinking about my life and all I use my speed to reach my room in exactly .2 seconds. And lay down closing my eyes and just as I did unconsciousness accepted me.

I wake up to someone trying to mind-link me I open the link to know it's al.

Al? How are you? I say smiling.
Nothing much Lissa just thought I'd ask my favourite protecter of protectors about their life? Comes his reply. I think deep and can see his vision he has a cheeky grin on his face.
I am the only protector of protectors. Trying to sound annoyed. I feel like being watched and when I pressured my brain turns out al was seeing me in his vision of course. He must've thought I was annoyed.
Well okay my second favourite protector? How does that sound? He questions.
Second favourite really Alcaeus?? Whose the first? I ask.
Well the one you're mind linking with. Duh. He says.
It's not healthy to be this self obsessed now tell me what date, day and time it is? I ask him.
It's Sunday August 13, 2017. The time here is 9:03 pm so there it must be-
4:03 in the morning I cut him.
Yeah? Well if you would've waited I would've replied. Joining school tomorrow I heard? He asks.I hum my response while getting up and stretching.
Well follow the rules and try your hardest not to get in the bad books of your teachers and do not get in detention! I smile somethings never change.
Okay bye now! I am going for a shower. I don't wait for his reply and close my link.

15 mins later

After Showering I get dressed into my workout clothes and leave my room going towards the basement taking my arrows and guns then I enter a hidden room in the basement that only who knew of its existence could enter. It was that well hidden and then it needed 5 step verification. Thanks to Amy.

After being questioned from a machine I enter a big library. It has all the books for all the spells. New and old, Ancient and recent, dark and helping.

Take out a book of magic related to nature with all the stuff in my hands I leave the basement to go deep in the forests and come to the place which has dummies filled with hay to practice on.

And that's how I spent my entire morning and noon. At around 7:00 pm I get a mind link from Sia saying that she's about to leave.

And a text from Ethan. Of course it's so Ethan to text instead of mind linking. Ethan and I spend the most time together and we spend it acting normal like we aren't protecting anything. Like we don't have responsibilities that need attention most of the time.

We act as human as we can.

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