Chapter 40: Listen

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They always say, 'Some things never change', and it's true, but only to a certain extent. There are certain features about every person that they are born with, like the color of their hair and eyes, the sharpness and softness of their features and who their parents are. Those were determined by default, and while some of it can be altered, like dying hair, wearing colored contacts, or becoming a foster child, in the end, it'll always remain the same.

But not everything in life can be handed on a silver platter; decisions must be made, sadness must be endured, and hatred can eventually fill an entire soul. People never realize how much control they can have in their lives, whether it's because they want to rely on others or are too scared to take responsibility.

If someone wants to change for the better, they sure can. Personality was not based off of 'genetics', it's what makes a person a person. It's almost as if most have given up on trying to fix certain aspects of their personality because they blame bad genes. But it's them. Just them. If they're not going to change it, then it's their choice.

For the people that do, they probably already know that it won't be any easy road. However, it's most certainly doable.

As long as they truly want to change.


Even after all this time, (Name) Rocket still hated airports. They were large buildings, but felt like anything but spacious. People pushed and shoved, not caring for manners, but only worried about getting to their gates on time. Some were sweating nervously, frowning viciously, or just spitting rude remarks at whoever dared to cross their path.

Suitcase dragging, ticket in hand, (Name) trudged along with the crowd, neck straining to try and spot the number of her gate. A middle-aged man suddenly bumped right into her.

"Watch where you're going, little girl," he snapped, before shoving past. (Name) scoffed, feeling as if she had just been slapped.

Little girl? Is he serious? She 'tched' and continued on her way. Now at the age of twenty-two and a senior in college, (Name) couldn't help but take a little offense to his comment.

About twenty minutes later, she had successfully boarded the plane and planted herself in her respective seat. Safety announcements for the aircraft began playing automatically over the loudspeakers, but as any other passenger would do, she blatantly ignored them.

The fall semester had just begun, and she had made the decision to spend the first half of her final year abroad in Sinnoh.

Eight hours ticked ever-so-slowly by. (Name) drifted in and out of sleep, eyes occasionally flicking toward the movie playing on the TV screen a few feet away.

When she was finally able to get off that god-forbidden contraption known as an airplane, it was about four o'clock in the afternoon, with (Name) feeling lightheaded and dizzy. She never trusted airplane food, and therefore, avoided whatever junk they tried to pass off as 'chicken'. (Name) couldn't resist her hunger when she spotted a fast-food stand nearby. Quickly, before she could convince herself that something so unhealthy wouldn't be good, she bought an order of french fries.

Munching absentmindedly, (Name) made her way outside the airport doors to find a taxi. The autumn air in Sinnoh was already chilly. That was unexpected, of course, with it being the northernmost major region. She tugged her thin jacket closer to her body, watching as reddish-orange leaves tumbled from the branches above and blew away into the breeze, headed for who-knows-where.

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