Chapter 33: Sick

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Brrrrring! The first bell of the day echoed across the hallways. Gold glanced nervously at (Name)'s empty seat, concerned.

"Crys, you haven't seen (Name) today, have you?" he asked the bluenette, who was busy taking out her notebook.

"No. I haven't. I wonder where she is." Crystal frowned. "Maybe she's sick? I hope she's alright."

"Sick?" Gold began to whine. "But prom is tonight!"

"Mr. Hibiki, please, sit down," Professor Elm ordered. Gold scoffed but sat down anyway. He crossed his arms, his copper eyes narrowing as he zoned out from whatever the lesson was about.


(Name) lay in bed, her nose stuffy, her cheeks red, and her throat sore. She glanced at the clock, 3;00 PM. She had not gotten out of bed all day "Achoo!" she sneezed, sniffling, shifting around. (Name) suddenly let out a half yelp, half cough, as she fell right out of bed.

It was impossible to be graceful when you're sick.

(Name) let out a loud groan, laying there, wrapped in a large tangle of blankets, not wanting to get up. She stared up the ceiling, her normally bright (e/c) eyes dull with fatigue. The thermometer a few feet away read one hundred and one degrees. Her phone on her nightstand lit up with a text message. (Name) grasped the device weakly, sighing at the worried text from Gold.

(Name), are you okay? Are you sick? Do you need medicine or something? Okay, you know what, I'm just gonna come over.

Idiot! Don't ditch your sports practice. I just have a slight fever, no big deal. Go back to school, now!

Too late.

DING DONG! The (h/c)-haired female shut her eyes, counting to three. But Gold rang the doorbell again. And again. Finally, she gave up, picking herself up off the floor, dragging her blankets along with her. (Name) opened the door, giving Gold a grumpy look.

"Gold, get back to class. Now." She was about to slam the door, but he casually pushed past her, an innocent look on his face.

"But (Name), I went through all the trouble to buy you chicken soup and your favorite soda!" he said with a slight smirk. "How could you refuse my unconditional kindness?" He sobbed fakely.

"Stop it!" (Name) exclaimed, coughing a few times. "I'm fine!"

"Oh, please. You have a fever!" Gold raised an eyebrow. "Plus, your brother would probably kick my ass if he found out I didn't take care of you when you were sick."

"So what?! It's not like I'm five! I can take care of myself!" The female insisted.

"Man, you're really grumpy when you're sick!" The ravenette gestured to the soup and the bottle of (Favorite Soda). "Eat up so you'll become normal again."

"What are you talking about? I am normal."

"Ohh, wait, I think I get it. I'm pretty sure it's that time of the month..."

And that was how Gold Hibiki ended up with handprint on his right cheek.

(Name) reluctantly sat down, taking a spoonful of chicken soup. "So salty." Gold shook his head, sighing. He took the bowl, and added a bit of water. (Name) drank another spoonful.


"Mmm..." she hummed in approval. There was silence, as (Name) drank her soup and Gold watched her nervously, like she was a ticking bomb that would go off any second.

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