Chapter 22: Blessing

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The library was dead silent as usual. Crystal was out sick that day, so (Name) decided to come to the library for some study time. "Hey." (Name) glanced up from her work only to see Khaleesi. "I thought I'd find you here." She forced a small smile.

"And you were right, here I am. Hello, what can I do for you?" Khaleesi shifted back and forth on her feet, biting her lip.

"It's Gold," she told the other female, seeming distraught. "I-I can't get him out of my head. I think I'm in love with him!" (Name) took a deep breath. What an idiot. She's obviously not in love. She's only known him for a few days!

"Is that so?" The female quipped. "Well then, how lovely. But what does this have to do with me?"

"Y-You're his best friend, right?" (Name) nodded, dreading what the brunette was about to say. "I-It's okay with you that I'm dating him?"

"Totally," (Name) lied between her teeth. Khaleesi was obviously clueless.

"Wow, thanks!" she gushed. "Oh, you really are as great as he says!" The (h/c)-haired girl frowned. Gold talks about me?

"No problem, it's not like I'm that important to him, you can do as you please." (Name) knew that the bitterness in her voice could even be noticed by Khaleesi, whose brow creased slightly.

"Well," Khaleesi told her, hesitating. "It was nice talking to you. See ya!" She straightened her hair and uniform skirt before practically skipping out of the library. (Name) groaned, resting her head on her books.

"Wow, (Name). Your jealousy is so obvious, it hurts." The girl turned her head to see Morty resting against the shelves, Jasmine next to him.

"Hey, you two." (Name) sighed. "What's up?"

"Don't pretend like you're not hurting. We all know you're strong, but we also know that you have emotions," Jasmine stated bravely, without stuttering once.

"What do you expect me to do?" (Name) asked, genuinely curious. "Am I missing something here?"

"Tell him that you like him!" said Morty exasperatedly.

"I can't!" (Name) hissed back. "Are you crazy?!"

"Keep it down over there!" shouted one of the students across the library.

"Hypocrite." Her (e/c) eyes sent an icy glare back at the boy who had yelled.

"You know he loves you, right?" Jasmine told (Name) more quietly.

"Haha. Yeah, I know. I can feel all his love when he constantly flirts with every girl in sight, right in front of my face."

"How clueless can you get? He's trying to make you jealous!" cried Morty.

"Well, tell him it's working!" The female huffed loudly. "I'm so tired of all his little games!"

"We all are," sighed Jasmine. "How can we help him?"

"I don't think we can, because he thinks that what he's doing is completely fine." (Name) turned her back, packing up her things. "Lunch is almost over. I gotta go." Morty and Jasmine sent each other defeated looks, knowing they had made everything worse.


(Name)'s pen scribbled fiercely along her piece of notebook paper, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Across the room, Gold watched her subconsciously, his cheek propped against his fist.

Ahh, she looks so cute when she's all focused. Gold smiled to himself. Come on, (Name), look at me! Look at me too, so I won't feel like a creep. As if on cue, the bell rang and (Name) reached to pack her things, her (e/c) eyes sweeping across the room. An adorable pink dusted across her cheeks as she met a copper gaze, but she looked away immediately, a scowl forming. The male only watched her in amusement.

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