Chapter 28: Return

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"Ready?" Silver's tired voice rang through (Name)'s ears as he entered her room, carrying his backpack of belongings. "Are you sure you want to do this?" (Name) slung her own pack over her shoulders, determination flashing in her (e/c) eyes.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Ariana and Giovanni were unaware that their children were coming over to visit, In fact, things could actually turn out super ugly. But (Name) was already aware of that. They could yell and denounce her all they wanted... she wouldn't back down now, before it all even started.

It had been a few weeks since they had visited Indigo University. Nearly every night, (Name) had amazing dreams about attending and having the time of her life. She had to go, she just had to. It was fate.

The clock read 5:30 AM. Early flights were cheaper, after all, and Gold was only a highschool student working part-time job. Of course, his grandparents had pitched in a little. Okay, maybe they pitched in a lot.

Gold was waiting on his doorstep with his own backpack, his chin resting on his fist as he stared off into nowhere. "Gold!" (Name) called, immediately snapping him out of his trance. He shot the twins his signature grin.

"Hey, good morning. Aren't you happy that we're going on this trip that I, being ever-so-generous, have treated you to?"

"Shut up, it's not like we asked for it," Silver muttered. (Name) elbowed him lightly, but laughed all the same.

"Alright, Gold, ready to leave?" the (h/c)-haired girl asked/

"Yeah. Let's go." The three of them piled into the good 'ol 4-Runner, Silver driving with (Name) and Gold in the backseat, for the drive to the airport.

There was a comfortable silence in the car for the first twenty minutes. However, almost immediately after they entered the freeway, Gold suddenly piped up, "Hey, let's play a game!" Silver let out a loud, irritated sigh.

"And what idiotic game do you have in mind this time?" In response to Silver's cold reply, Gold pouted slightly.

"Hey. It's a fun game!"

"Well, what exactly do you have in mind?" (Name) asked, curious. Gold grinned at her.

"Let's play..." He paused for dramatic effect. "The license plate game!" (Name) and Silver were unimpressed. Silver clicked his tongue.

"Tch. I thought you would be able to at least come up with something better than that."

"Hmph!" The black-haired male huffed slightly, tugging his hat over his eyes. "Well, are you two just afraid to admit that you suck at license plate game?"

"What?! No!" The twins shouted in unison. Gold only smirked.

"Nah, now you're just lying," he told them. (Name) crossed her arms and glared at her friend.

"Fine then! I'll play!" she declared.

"Me too!" said an agitated Silver.

"Alright, let's do this!" Gold cheered, grinning widely. "Alright, on a count of three. One, two, three GO!"

"Unova," Silver said almost immediately.

"What? That wasn't fair!" Gold cried.

"Hoenn," (Name) continued.

"Now you're all just ganging up on me." The boy's copper eyes narrowed. "I'm gonna beat you all!"

"Orange Islands," said Silver.

"Kalos," his twin added. Gold gritted his teeth in frustration. He glanced out the window, and his sharp eyes caught just what he was looking for.

"Kanto!" he bellowed.

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