Chapter 27: Determination

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"Guys! We're here!" (Name) clamored out of the car and practically raced towards the looming building of the university not that far away. "Quick, quick! Take a picture of me!"

"Calm down, (Name)!" Crystal laughed. "We just got here, save your energy for exploring!"

(Name), Gold, Crystal, and Silver decided to visit IU one sunny Saturday. (Name) had always wanted to explore, but never got the chance. Silver often saw her looking at pictures of the school on her phone and laptop. Since Silver wasn't a morning person, they had made a compromise to leave after lunch for the long drive. It was about 2 o'clock, the sun still shining brightly in the sky.

"Just one picture!" The (h/c)-haired female tossed Gold her cell phone, and luckily, he caught it. She stood next to a bust of a graceful, lithe dragon. The mascot of the school was this very dragon, affectionately dubbed Lance after the current and most famous dean.

Gold aimed the camera toward her. "Smile!" (Name) flashed a huge grin. "Done."

"Thanks for coming out to visit with me, all of you!" The female exclaimed, rushing back towards Gold so she could see the picture that he took.

"I mean, I sort of didn't have a choice..." Silver sighed, running a hand through his crimson hair.

"Hmph, don't be so grumpy, Silvy." (Name) crossed her arms. "But thanks for driving us up here." Her brother only gave her a grunt in response.

"Hello there, are you all highschool seniors hoping to attend?" The four teens glanced behind them to see a smiling male with violet hair. "Oh, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Will, a junior here at IU."

"Nice to meet you, Will!" (Name) greeted him enthusiastically, making Will chuckle. "I'm (Name)."

"And to answer your question, yes we are all highschool seniors, but only (Name) here made it in," Crystal explained.

"Oh, I see." The purple-haired male smiled politely. "And who would the rest of you be?"

"I'm Crystal," said the pigtailed female. Both she and (Name) glanced over at the boys, but they seemed to be disinterested. Both girls sighed. "The idiot with the black hair is Gold, and the grouch next to him is Silver."

"Nice to meet you two," said Will. Both boys barely spared him a glance.

"Silvy, Gold, don't be so rude!" (Name) crossed her arms and glared at her brother and best friend.

"Yeah, whatever," they mumbled in sync. Crystal turned apologetically to Will.

"So sorry about that. Er, don't know what got in to them." Especially Gold, he's usually all for meeting new people.

"Don't worry, it's all good. Anyway, would you like me to show you four around?" He addressed all of them, but was only looking at (Name). Gold noticed, and he felt his insides burn.

"No, we're fine. We know our way around here," Gold said coldly. His two female friends shot him incredulous looks, about to accept Will's offer, but it was too late. The purple-haired man bowed.

"Thank you for your time. Hope to see you next semester, (Name)." They exchanged smiles and waves, and Will finally left.

"What a weirdo," Gold groaned, crossing his arms. "He's a freak."

"You're one to talk," Crystal scoffed.

"You didn't have to be so rude, both of you!" (Name) glared at Gold and Silver.

"You've got to be kidding me, (Name)." Her redheaded brother scowled. "He's got a weird vibe."

"What are you talking about? He was so polite!" the (h/c)-haired girl protested.

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