Chapter 36: Moment

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Not many readers have stuck around for the final few chapters but that's alright with me. I'm honestly so proud of this book and the effort I put forth for this was something I thought I could never achieve. If you're still here, please leave me a comment (yes, I'm still thirsty for comments) just to give your lil ol author some encouragement for this last push. It's been a wild ride. It's coming to end, and I feel happy, but at the same time, I don't want it to be over just yet.

Aish, enough of my useless rambling.

Min Yoongi/Reader fic called Danger can be found on my profile.


warning: rated m ;)

(hahahhaa lmao just kidding i would never. it's rated pg ok you children can go ahead)

"Rise and shine, (Name)!" The comforting warmth of the soft blankets was abruptly torn away, and replaced with the jarring sound of someone yelling.

"Wow, thanks for that, Gold." (Name) shot him a dirty look, before grabbing her pillow and throwing it at him. Gold laughed, dodging easily.

"Hurry up, we've got a fun day ahead of us!" he ordered.

"We're going to visit Jasmine's grandparents." Crystal suddenly popped up out of nowhere. "They own a house literally right on the beach."

"Yeah, this is Jasmine's hometown. She moved over there in like... I think eighth grade?" Gold scratched his head, trying to remember. Crystal whacked his arm.

"That was tenth grade, idiot." She scoffed, before turning back to (Name). "Anyway, Gold's right, we're going to have a lot of fun today!"

"Jasmine's grandparents own a boat." Gold grinned. "And they promised that when I turned eighteen, they would let me drive it!"

"That, is not a good idea." (Name) crossed her arms. "I'm not getting any boat with you controlling it."

"If you think about it, if Gold shipwrecks us, at least we'll all die together." The door connecting to Jasmine and Morty's room opened as they walked in, holding hands.

"You won't shipwreck us, right?" Jasmine eyed Gold. "You do realize that the boat we'll be riding on was the one we've had since my father was my age? If you aren't careful with it, our entire family will be at your throat." Gold gulped. Jasmine was usually quiet, shy, and mild, but when she was angry, it was like all hell was released.

"Okay, you know what, I'll just let you do it," he said, his voice about three times higher than it usually was.

"Alright." Jasmine shrugged. "That's not a problem."

"Let's get on the road quickly, we could be out on the water right now!" Crystal exclaimed excitedly.

Once food was placed hastily in their stomachs, and all of their scattered belongings had been put back into their backpacks, they were in the car once again.

"Ugh, it's so hot." (Name) blew a piece of sweaty hair from her face, making it stick to her forehead.

"I might melt," Crystal groaned loudly. Jasmine, being ever so courteous, casually turned up the air conditioning.

Jasmine's grandparents' house was about an hour away from the inn they had stayed at the previous night. That was nothing, considering the amount they had drove the previous day, but the traffic wasn't helping. The seaside town was definitely not quiet; it had a bustling port and many people, both citizens and tourists.

About half an hour after they left the inn, rain suddenly started pouring down from the skies.

"You have got to be kidding me." Crystal complained, slumping against the backseat. "It was sunny just a few minutes ago!"

HeartbreakerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon