Chapter 23: Decisions

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Gold only stared back at his father blankly. (Name) felt her heart drop to her stomach; Ethan's statement seemed to have come out of nowhere. Finally, Gold muttered, "Dad, I told you, she's just a friend." His father seemed disappointed at first, before chuckling lightly.

"Son, you'll understand one day. Now, it's nearly dark. Go on and take this young lady home." Gold shuffled out, with (Name) hot on his heels. He thanked the prison guards before walking right out into the parking lot, not even glancing back at the female.

(Name) stared at the ground, not knowing what to say or do, if there even was anything to say or do. The tension hanging in the air was becoming thicker by the second, and she started to regret coming along. After all, every time she went somewhere with Gold, trouble tended to follow.

"Sorry about my dad," he murmured as he started up the engine. "I don't know why he thinks we would be a good couple. I mean, obviously we wouldn't. 'Cause you don't like me anyway. And uh, I don't like you." The girl next to him simply ignored his words, and kept her eyes focused on the road.

Twiddling her thumbs as she watched the roads race by, (Name) refused to think about what just happened. She suspected that if she did, she would tear up, and Gold was the last person she wanted to show any more weakness to.

"(Name)?" Gold asked hesitantly. She arched an eyebrow in response, signifying that she was listening. "What... what happened to us?"

"Was there ever an 'us'?" (Name) asked, slightly amused.

"Not in that way!" he exclaimed in response, cheeks threatening to flare red. "I mean like, friends! Yeah, friends."

"That's what we are now, right? Friends, and nothing more?" The male gulped. "Am I wrong?"

"No," he mumbled.

"Why did you take me to meet your father?" (Name) questioned, genuinely curious.

"Because I wanted him to meet you."

"Why? You should've taken Khaleesi instead."

"I broke up with her." In response, (Name) buried her face in her hands, groaning.

"Gold, you need to stop! This is like a sickness."

"If it is, it's a sickness that can't be cured!"

"You're not even trying to fix yourself, even though there's obviously something wrong!"

"Yes I am; you wouldn't understand!" Gold heaved a sigh, his knuckles turning white on the steering wheel. (Name) turned away from him, returning her gaze to the scenery outside the window.

"You're right, I wouldn't," she murmured. The black-haired boy glanced at her a bit guiltily, but didn't say a word.

The drive was agonizing. The 10-minute drive felt like hours, When they finally pulled into (Name)'s driveway, they both breathed a sigh of relief. "See you tomorrow," said Gold.

"Yeah. See ya." Before she stepped out, (Name) looked back, right into his copper eyes. Gold flinched in surprise at the sudden eye contact. "By the way, that note wasn't meant for Falkner?' The male's expression changed into a confused one.

"Huh? Who was it for, then?" A small smile rested on the girl's lips.

"You." Calmly, (Name) shut the car door and entered her house, although inside she was screaming at herself. She didn't know how this surge of bravery came into her body, and she wasn't sure if it was good.

What the hell did I just do? This is just going to make more problems for me! She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to collect herself, knowing that if she didn't, Silver would get suspicious.

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