Chapter 26: Favor

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A lot of people asked if the previous chapter was the last one. No, it wasn't. This book won't be complete until you see the little 'Complete' tag after an update.

Thank you, as always, for reading Heartbreaker!


(Name) woke with a start on Saturday morning to the sound of her brother's video games. She let out a sleepy groan, wondering why Silver insisted on having the volume up so high. The female wrestled her tangled (h/c) hair into a messy bun before shuffling out of her bedroom.

"Good morning," she mumbled to her brother. He couldn't hear her over the sound of the electronic lasers. (Name) blew a stray piece of hair from her face, annoyed, but decided to leave him alone.

She entered the kitchen, grabbing a muffin and absentmindedly munching as she slipped on her flip-flops, so she could go outside and check the mail. Anxious to see whether the letter from her dream school had arrived, (Name) grabbed the entire stack of papers before heading inside. As it was late February, the weather was still chilly.

Sorting through the envelopes and ads, she began to frown. It seemed as if the letter from Indigo still wasn't here. "C'mon," she mumbled. Suddenly, the familiar golden seal caught her eye. The girl gasped, letting out a squeal, before remembering that this wasn't guaranteed to be an acceptance letter.

"(Name)? Are you alright?" called Silver from the living room.

"Yup. Just dandy," she replied, holding the envelope gingerly. The laser noises started as footsteps made their way to the kitchen.

"What's that?" Silver asked, gesturing to the envelope.

"The letter from IU," (Name) answered,trembling slightly.

"Well," he demanded. "What are you waiting for? Open it." His sister huffed, before reluctantly prying away the seal. (Name) gulped as she removed the piece of paper from the envelope, slowly unfolding it. "Hurry up! We don't have all day."

"I know!" (Name) griped, before opening the letter with a flourish. The first words on top of the page, YOU GOT IN! "Oh my god," she whispered, her face paling.

"Let me see that." Silver snatched the piece of paper, and read the first line as well. His face also turned white as a sheet. They looked at each other for a good five seconds before (Name) let out a loud, girlish, high-pitched sound that she had never made before.

"I got in!" she shrieked, absolutely elated, before realizing how ridiculous she probably looked and sounded, trying to compose herself. However, the smile never left her face.

"Congrats!" yelled Silver, hugging his sister tightly. "I'm so proud of you!" Their celebration continued for a few more minutes, when suddenly, (Name)'s heart dropped to her stomach.

"Who's going to pay my tuition? Mother and Father already said they wouldn't..." She swallowed nervously.

"I'll pay for it," Silver said easily. "I'm inheriting the company soon, right? So I'll use the money to pay for your tuition."

"We both know it won't work like that... they're too controlling!"

"I'll find a way." Then, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," said (Name) heading towards the door and opening it to see a certain raven-haired boy. He had a confused look on his face.

"What's going on?" he questioned. "I heard yelling."

"I got into Indigo," (Name) explained. Gold's face split into a wide smile.

"Hey! Congrats!"

"Thanks, but we're still trying to figure out who's gonna pay the tuition." Gold looked puzzled.

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