Chapter 9: Deeper

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Ugh, these chapters are getting long af. The last four chapters (and this one too, which is more than 3000 words and is 8.7 pages) have all been over 2000 words, longer than chapters for any other fanfiction of mine. Even Our Resolve, which is the one I used to consider my fanfiction with the most pages per chapter, has chapters only 1500-1800 words. I am working really hard for this fanfic and I'm so happy to see that it's all paying off.

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Saturday was such a relief to (Name). The week had been absolutely crazy, and she was finally getting some well deserved rest.
Snuggling deep into her blankets, she hummed happily, satisfied by the warmth. She began to doze off once again, until she heard a loud tapping at her window.

(Name) groaned sleepily, pulling her pillow over her head to drown out the noise, but the tapping sound persisted. The (h/c)-haired girl growled as she felt her drowsiness slowly slip away. She sighed deeply, pulling the pillow off and gazing up at the panels. There stood Gold, grinning stupidly, holding a handful of stones in his hand. He stuck out his tongue and threw another one. The CLANG! made (Name) wince.

Reluctantly sitting up in bed, the female crawled toward the windowsill, sliding it open and glaring at Gold through the thin screen. "What do you want? I was sleeping."

"We're friends, aren't we?" He asked innocently. "I just wanted to spend some time with my friend." (Name) rolled her eyes.

"Didn't you hear my mom yesterday? I'm not allowed to hang around you if I don't want to get killed." Gold pulled a disappointed face.

"Aww. I really wanted you to come."


"To the animal shelter. I volunteer there every Saturday." He grinned. "I've got three dogs and a cat at home, and my mom and I are upset that we don't have the space to keep anymore. But I give those neglected animals over at the shelter a chance to be loved every week."

"Oh," was all (Name) could say. She had never thought him to be the charity type. He really wasn't as shallow as he appeared. Gold glanced at his watch.

"Well, gotta go in fifteen. If you want to come, meet me at my house in a few." He waved, before running to his house next door. The female glanced at the clock. 9:30.

"So early," she complained, but dragged herself out of bed. After brushing her teeth and running a comb through her hair a couple of times, (Name) opted for a comfy sweater and a pair of jeans. When the (h/c)-haired female arrived in the kitchen, she nodded respectfully to her mother. "Good morning."

"Where are you off to?" She glared at her from above her newspaper.

"Oh, I'm just doing a service hours project." (Name) stuffed a muffin in her mouth and grabbed her purse. "Volunteering for a few hours. Be back soon."

"Fine." Ariana rolled her eyes. "Get out of here."

"Bye, Mother." The redhead ignored her, as per usual, and (Name) simply sighed before lacing up her boots and exiting in the house. Looking behind her to make sure her mother's careful eyes weren't watching, she sprinted next door as quickly as she could. Knocking, (Name) waited patiently as barking and meowing was heard inside, and a familiar woman appeared at the door. She seemed surprised.

"Hello, how may I help you? You're (Name), right?" The younger female nodded.

"Hi, Mrs. Hibiki. I just came here to meet Gold. We're going to the animal shelter any time now." Mrs. Hibiki smiled warmly, and gestured her inside.

"Gold should be down any minute now, have a seat and make yourself at home."

"Thanks." (Name) smiled gratefully, and parked herself on the couch to wait for Gold.

"Gold!" Mrs. Hibiki yelled up the stairs. "(Name)'s here!"

"Coming!" His voice called back. A small kitten trotted up to (Name) and nuzzled its nose against her knee.

"Hi there, cutie," the girl giggled, patting its head gently. A loud barking noise was heard as a gigantic Golden Retriever bolted into the room, its tongue lolling out of its mouth. It bounded right onto the couch beside (Name). The girl, unfazed, scratched its ears.

"You're not scared of Exbo?" Mrs. Hibiki cut in, laughing. "That's a first. All the girls that Gold brings home go running for the hills when they see him." (Name) shrugged.

"I think he's cute," she responded, as Exbo rolled over for her. "By the way, please understand that I have no romantic interest in your son. We're just acquaintances."

"Is that so?" The woman questioned, seemingly disappointed. "And here I was, happy that Gold had finally found himself a respectable girl..."

"Not happening, sorry to disappoint you, Mrs. Hibiki." (Name) chuckled.

"That hurt, I thought we were friends!" The black-haired boy appeared at the bottom of the stairs, his copper eyes glinting in fake sadness.

"Oh, don't even go there." (Name) placed her hands on her hips. Exbo jolted out of her embrace and immediately tackled Gold, whose face lit up in a huge smile as the large dog showered him with doggy kisses.

"Hey there, woah, buddy!" The male laughed. Soon, the other two dogs came running in. "Aibo! Polibo!" It seemed like (Name) watched Gold play with his dogs for eternity, but she didn't get bored or annoyed; it was sweet that both owner and pet held such affection. The tiny kitten even joined the fray, and (Name) was scared it would get crushed, but instead, the dogs became cautious and watched where they stepped, making way for the cat.

"What's your cat's name?" (Name) asked.

"Eggy." He grinned. "It fits him, doesn't it?" Indeed, the cat's pure white coat had earned it the name Eggy.

"Do you have a pet yourself, (Name)?" Mrs. Hibiki asked.

"Nope." (Name) sighed. "I really want one, but my mom doesn't like animals." Or anything, really.

"What a shame." The woman's mouth turned down into a frown. "Well, if you ever want some furry fun, you're always welcome to come here."

"Thank you." Her (e/c) eyes sparkled.

"Gold, it's time to leave!" Mrs. Hibiki suddenly cried. "You're late!"

"Nooo!" The male shouted, as he quickly wrenched his pets off of him and grabbed his cell phone, the animals trailing after him. "C'mon, (Name)!"

"Right behind you!" As soon as they were outside, Gold gestured for her to get into his car, but (Name) shook her head. "Do me a favor and ride in my car again? It'll look suspicious if I'm out and the car's still there."

"I don't really care, as long as we get there fast!" Sneaking through the hedges to avoid detection, the two climbed into the vehicle. Inserting her keys, the good 'ol 4-Runner roared to life.

"Just tell me where to go."

"Alright." After a few minutes of driving, they arrived at the main street. "Turn left." She did. "Drive for a bit."

"Okay," (Name) replied uncertainly. For a while, it was silent as she focused on the driving, until Gold suddenly shouted,

"Right!" The female jerked the car to a stop, and honks sounded everywhere. (Name) rested her forehead on the steering wheel.

"What the hell?!"

"I told you to go right!"

"Okay, whatever, if you're so good at everything, how about you drive?!"

"Fine!" (Name) pulled over, and the two switched spots. "Now, learn from the pro." Gold smirked, while his friend scoffed.

"Whatever." When they finally arrived at the animal shelter, (Name) felt a tingle of excitement shoot up her spine. Animal sounds could be heard all the way from out of the parking lot. "So, how are we volunteering today?"

"Well, it's our shift to feed them this week. So basically, lugging a bunch of pet food into their bowls and cleaning up their poo afterwards." (Name) stared at him.

"You're kidding, right?"

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