Chapter 17: Stolen

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Short chapter ahead!


The airport was bustling with people, as it was around 8 AM on Christmas Day. Their flight back to Johto would be leaving in an hour. Giovanni and Ariana didn't bother to see the twins off, but Edgar, of course, escorted them through the crowds and kept a close eye, as always.

"Stay safe out there, alright?" Edgar's green eyes drooped slightly, a sign that he was worried.

"We will. Don't worry about us," (Name) assured him. They exchanged a three-way hug, and when they broke apart, Edgar drew his handkerchief from his pocket and blew profusely.

"I can't believe you're all grown up," he choked out, wiping away a tear.

"It's not like we're dead, Edgar," Silver stated flatly. "We'll see you again soon." With those parting words, (Name) and Silver were on their way back to Johto.

The (h/c)-haired female watched the ground escape from underneath them, a conflicted expression on her face. She knew she ought to be sad that she was once again leaving her home region, but she also felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders, along with the plane that so effortlessly left the platform.

Peanuts, crying babies, loud humming, indeed, that was all just part of the wonderful airplane package.

Four hours later, the pilot's voice sounded over the intercom, "Passengers, we have now arrived at your destination, Indigo International Airport. Please make sure all carry-on items are retrieved. The time is 1 PM Johto time. Have a wonderful day."

"Don't tell me what to do," (Name) snapped to herself, but Silver, of course, heard her and laughed.

As the siblings went out to the parking lot to get their car, (Name) became distracted by a group of students wearing IU sweatshirts, chatting cheerfully. I want to be one of them, one day.

Indigo University loomed not too far away, and the female could see the building in all of its glory. It's my dream, and I'll fight for it, if I have to.

Christmas Day didn't feel like it usually did to (Name); she would usually be overflowing with happiness, inside, if she wasn't able to show it. But today, she felt plain. It seemed like just another day.

Yet, as soon as the Christmas carols came onto the radio, the teen found herself singing along, and soon enough, she forgot about all the conflict that had occurred not too long ago. Even Silver partially joined in, mumbling a few words here and there.

As the familiar house came into view, both of them let out a sigh of happiness.

"Silvy, let's bake Christmas cookies!" (Name) wanted to get Silver's mind off of the events that happened last night, A ghost of a smile lit up the redhead's face.

"Okay." As soon as they got into the house, they got to work. (Name) prepared the batter, while Silver preheated the oven and made sure all ingredients were set out. They cut the cookies into stars, Christmas trees, snowmen, whatever cookie cutters they could find.

A sweet smell filled the air as they baked in the oven, and Silver settled down to play his video games while (Name) studied diligently in the corner, determined to work herself as hard as she could.

DING! The cookies were ready.

Smoke billowed from the tray as (Name) removed the cookies from the oven, and she waited for them to cool off before grabbing frosting and sprinkles from the cabinet. "Silvy! Time to decorate!" Silver had at first been reluctant to do something as lame as "decorating", but (Name) knew he was having fun, as he focused on making his cookie perfect.

"What are we gonna do with these cookies?" asked Silver suddenly. His sister smiled.

"Oh, I'm probably gonna bring half of them next door to the Hibikis, and then the rest will be for us. They look good, right?" Silver nodded.

Half an hour later, the cookies were beautifully decorated, and (Name) gathered some on a plate before grabbing her scarf and heavy jacket. "I'll be right back, see ya."


Mrs. Hibiki looked shocked to see (Name) on her doorstep, carrying a plate of cookies.

"Merry Christmas!" said (Name), although it came out a little muffled due to her scarf, tightly wrapped around her.

"You're back early!" A smile formed on her face. "Welcome back! What happened?"

"Oh, lots of things." (Name) sighed. "But it's good to be here! I hope you'll enjoy these. My brother and I made them. Think of it as a little thank you for that pie you made us, which, by the way, was delicious."

"There's no need to repay me!" Mrs. Hibiki laughed. "Come in, come in! I'm sure Gold and the animals will be happy to see you. And I forgot to mention, little Jimmy, Gold's cousin, is staying over."

"Hiiiii!" called a small, cute voice from behind Mrs. Hibiki. The woman stepped aside to reveal a miniature Gold. He had the same raven black hair, mischievous expression, and lean build. The only difference were that his eyes were a light gray. "I'm Jimmy!"

"Jimmy! Come back here!" Gold yelled from somewhere in the house.

"Gold! There's a pretty lady!" The little boy gasped, staring in wonder at (Name), who shifted uncomfortably, chuckling awkwardly.

"Hi there, Jimmy," she told him kindly. "I'm (Name)." Jimmy's eyes widened.

"The pretty lady has a pretty name!" Wow, he is literally exactly like Gold. Maybe that's why Gold finds him annoying, because he's constantly staring at an exact copy of himself.

Huffing and puffing could be heard from the kitchen, as Gold ran to the front door. He did a double-take when he saw (Name) at the door. "Whoa! I didn't expect you to be back!"

"You know her?" Jimmy pouted, his mouth full of cookie."Too bad, I saw her first! She's my girlfriend!" Gold and (Name) exchanged amused glances.

"Hey, I brought you all cookies," said the (h/c)-haired female, ignoring Jimmy. "And, nice hat." She took note of the black and yellow baseball cap he was wearing, even though he was indoors.

"Thanks." Gold grinned. "I got it from a special someone."

"Oh, I'm special? I'm honored." (Name) laughed. "Well, I gotta go. Silvy's waiting for me. Have a nice Christmas!" When the door closed, Gold's gaze turned to the plate of cookies. He took one, and popped it into his mouth. Wow, is this what heaven tastes like?


The Christmas hype was over. But the holidays weren't done, just yet! New Year's Eve, December 31st, arrived sooner than expected. Silver was going out to a party with Lyra, although (Name) made Lyra promise to not let Silver get drunk. The (h/c)-haired girl had also been invited to the event, but she would much rather stay home to study and count down with the people on TV.

She hummed to herself as she did her Calculus work, excited for the new year and a fresh start. The past three months of this year had been far too stressful, and she couldn't wait to begin anew.

DING DONG! "Who could that be?" (Name) murmured to herself. Surely, it couldn't be Silver, because he would definitely be out past midnight.

"Hey!" Gold was at her door, wearing a stupid grin and carrying a big bag of popcorn. (Name) raised an eyebrow.

"What brings you here?"

"Oh, there was a family dinner at my house, but I managed to sneak out with Grandpa's help. Jimmy was being a pain," he explained. (Name) rolled her eyes, but let him in all the same.

"Fine then, what's with the popcorn?"

"I was just hungry." He shrugged. "Do you have any movies?"

"Yeah, I guess." (Name) had brought a few of her favorite movies from Kanto. "But they're all Disney movies, if you don't mind." Gold's copper eyes twinkled.

"Of course not!" He exclaimed, rushing over to the DVD rack. "Let's watch Finding Nemo!"

"I'm okay with that." (Name) chuckled, popping the DVD into the player. The duo positioned themselves on the couch, and became deeply immersed in the movie, laughing at the funny parts, and having moments of silence during the not-so-funny segments.

"Hey, (Name), it's almost midnight!" Gold commented. (Name) glanced at the clock. It was 11:58.

"You're right! Let's switch channels to the countdown." The mirror ball hung over the heads of thousands of people, as they cheered for the new year.

"One minute!" called the announcer.

"I can't wait!" (Name) smiled.

"Do you have any New Years' resolutions?" asked Gold.

"Yeah. I'm going to make up with Crystal," she said firmly/ The male seemed surprised.

"What? Really?"

"Yeah. And also, well, work really hard to get into Indigo University. Which might not happen, but I'm going to try my best, and that's what matters." Her (e/c) eyes glittered. "What about you?"

"I'm not sure," Gold admitted. "I guess, uh, start becoming more truthful?"

"That's a good goal for you," (Name) commented gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. "That could fix a lot of problems in your life." Couples on-screen held each other in passionate embraces, gazing into the eyes of the other with love and adoration. There was no doubt that they were all planning to kiss when the timer hit zero.

"Ten seconds!"

"Ten!" chanted the audience. (Name) suddenly felt Gold shift beside her, but paid no attention.

"Nine!" She felt his arm snake around her waist, but chose to ignore it.

"Eight!" His face was definitely too close for comfort, but again, what was the worst that could happen?

"Seven!" (Name) could feel him pulling her closer, so she discreetly put a little distance between them.

"Six!" Her little plan didn't work, because Gold brought her right back.

"Five!" His face was too close!

"Four!" She squirmed uncomfortably in his embrace, not knowing what on earth was happening.

"Three!" They were no more than three inches apart, and (Name) began to internally panic and externally sweat.

"Two!" Two inches.

"One!" One inch.

"Happy New Year!" And before they knew it, their lips had met. Shocked, (Name) sat there in confusion, wondering why on earth Gold would be kissing her. "His female friends are off-limits to him." Morty's words rang through her head, but it seemed as if they were false. (Name) came back down to earth, when it hit her... Gold is kissing me! A scowl took over her face as she pushed him away, huffs and puffs sounding in the air.

"What," she began. "On this damned earth was that?!"

"I-I'm sorry?" Gold stammered, surprised by her angry expression.

"Get out!" Her mind began to spin, and a migraine slowly developed. "Just get out!" Gold scrambled to his feet, practically dashing toward the door.

"Y-Yes ma'am!" (Name)'s face softened slightly, and she looked toward the ground, not wanting to look at him. Noticing this, Gold turned back, a small smile on his face. "Happy New Year, (Name)." The door closed quietly behind him.

The female curled up into a ball on the couch, not wanting get up. I'm so confused... was all of this just him trying to break my heart? Did he ever care for me at all? Or, was I just going to be another broken heart to add to his list?

(Name) swallowed, bitterness washing over her body. This wasn't the start to the New Year that she wanted. Not in the least. Why am I always making the wrong choices? I should've known better than to trust a heartbreaker like him.

Why does he like this game so much? Does it make him happy, to know that he's hurt so many girls? She sighed. I'll never know. I'm not some kind of Gold whisperer, and I sure as hell am not him. He can do him, and I can do me. She glanced at the Indigo University application form sitting on the dining table, not too far away. That's my purpose. Not being another girl toy.

At 12 AM sharp, on the first day of the new year, (Name) Rocket's first kiss had been stolen by the boy that she called her best friend.

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