07. Homecoming.

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Maddie's Pov
Homecoming game night

"Do you have your dress and everything for tomorrow night?" Arabella asked. I rolled my eyes at her comment. She has asked me the same question about 100 times already and I've answered it way too many times.

Arabella and I were currently sitting on the bench in our school locker room, we are cheerleaders for our school. The rest of the squad was in the gym playing twister or something. 

"For the last time Arabella I do have everything for tomorrow night," I sigh. In about an hour is the homecoming game, we're playing against the North Hills Indians. I heard good things about their football team, I'm sure we can take them.

"I was just making sure," Arabella huffed. 

"The last billion times you've asked me," I said. 

Arabella has always been the girl who always makes sure everything was going as planned and you had everything you needed. Even if she did ask you so many time that you wanna pull your hair out.

I was glad to call her my best friend. She was always there for me when I needed her.

"Sorry I'm just making sure everything is perfect," Arabella says. 

"I know Bella," I said using one of my many nicknames for her. 

"Girls coach said we need to practice," Luna said interrupting Arabella and I. Luna is one of the girls on our cheerleading team.

"We're coming," Arabella replied. We had to practice for about 20-30 minutes. Then we were allowed to do our hair, makeup, or anything else we had to do before the game.

"We are starting out with Hustle," Luna told us. Luna was the captain of our squad. I captained my freshman, sophomore, and junior year but this year Luna took my place. I was even mad about it, okay maybe I was a little bit but not a lot.

Being captain you have a lot of pressure on you. You have to keep your grades up, be a role model, figure out routines to show to the coach, etc. I wish I ended my school year with being captain but it is what it is.

"Hustle!" I brush my right arm on my right leg and do the same on the left leg and then clap.

"Get to it!" I step back with my right foot to get into the T position. The T position was just both of your arms straight out.

"Come on," As I stay in the T position I put my arms up into a high V. Every other girl that was in the row had to go up in a high V while the other girls went into a low V.

"Titans!" We still stay in the T position and cross both of our arms over our chest. The right arm was on top while the left arm was on the bottom.

"Let's do it," Now I go from my arms being crossed to doing a low V. All the girls that did a high V now did a low V. And all the girls who did a low V is now doing a high V. Honestly I hate this cheer the most. I think it was very stupid of Luna to pick this one because it's really just pointless.

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