10. Stares.

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Maddie's Pov

"Thanks for the ride Mike," I said. Mike decided to get up and wake me up even though I had an alarm set. He made me breakfast and took me to school, even though he is suspended from school.

"You're welcome Mads. Go to class you don't wanna be late," Michael said. I open the door of his blue jeep. "Make sure you go to the office and explain to them. Just so you won't get in trouble for being late to classes,"

"I will. I promise," I said. I slowly get out of the car because I guess the doctor gave me a back brace for me to keep my posture straight. It's not hitting my rib, they made sure of that before I left the hospital.

"Bye Mike," I said waving.

"Bye Mads. See you after school," Michael says. I close his jeep door and start walking to the office.

I made sure to take my medicine this morning. I didn't bother bringing a pill to give to the nurse because I'm sure that I can go a school day without needing it.

I feel everyone staring at me and I don't like it at all. I just keep my head down and make my way towards the office.

I admit getting up the stairs to get into the building was really hard for me. I had to stop a few times before I made it up all the stairs.

"Thanks," I said to the person who opened the office door for me.

"You're welcome," The girl said. I think her name was Hailey.

"What can I help you with," Ms. Ranger asked. I take a slow deep breath, it still hurts to breath hard.

"Requesting an elevator pass," I say. "I also need you to tell all my teachers that I might be class late,"

"Why might that be?" Ms. Ranger asked.

"Because I went to the hospital yesterday and they told me I should tell you guys that I might be late. I was also told to ask for an elevator pass," I explained to her.

"Do you have a note?" She asked. Luckily the doctor did give me one right after I got discharged because he forgot to.

"Yes," I said. I slowly take my back pack off my back, it hurts to even do that. I look in the front pocket of my bag. I hand her the note and she examines it. "I also can't participate in P.E.,"

"Here's your elevator pass. I will let all your teachers know that you might be late," Ms. Ranger says handing me the lanyard with the pass on it. "I will also inform Mrs. Cooper that you won't be able to participate in P.E.,"

"Thanks," I said. I zip up my bag before gently putting it back on.

I leave the office and head to my locker. I try to ignore the stares I was getting but I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. Why are they staring at me? They can't see my back brace, maybe it's because I was walking a little too slow.

I finally reached my locker. I unlock it before taking off my back pack again. I had a hard time getting my textbook and binder out for Chemistry, but I did it. I closed my locker and twist my lock before heading off to class.

I pressed the up button on the elevator. As I wait for it to open I pull my phone out and text Luke.

Me: Hey

I then lock my phone back up and put it in my front pocket for easier access. The doors to the elevator opened. I stepped in and pressed the number 2 button, the doors soon close.

I heard my phone buzz in my pocket. I take it out to see it was Luke who texted me. Why is he up this early?

Luke: Morning beautiful

Me: Morning Luke

Luke: Wyd

Me: In an elevator hoping to make it to class on time.

Luke: Why would you be late?

Me: Because I fractured my rib and I can't walk that fast.

Luke: When did this happen? Are you okay? How did this happen?

Me: This happened yesterday and I will be okay. It's a long story, I'll tell you later.

Luke: Okay. Be careful.

Me: I will. I gotta go Luke.

Luke: Okay text me later

Me: I will

I locked my phone and turned the ringer off before slipping it back in my front pocket. I heard the bell ring and I just got out of the elevator. I still had this long ass hallway to walk to get to Chem.

Once I made it to Chemistry, I opened the door. As soon as I did I got the whole class staring at me, wondering who was at the door.

"Nice of you to join us, Madelyn," Ms. Canter said smiling at me. I just smile back instead of replying.

I got the middle of the classroom to take my seat. I set my stuff down on my desk. As I go to sit down in my seat I try to keep my posture straight, not that I have a choice.

I can feel everyone's eyes on me as I try and sit down. I didn't mean to get people's attention. 


Author's Note:

I know this chapter is short, I tried. Everyone was looking at Maddie because she was walking slower than normal. She also didn't have that happy look on her face, you could see the pain in her face. Just to clear that up.

Comment and let me know what you guys think of the story, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks for reading, I appreciate it. I love all of you guys so much. Hope you have a wonderful day.

I start school tomorrow. Help me please. I don't wanna go back to school.


Status: Edited

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