15. Hospital.

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Maddie's Pov
New Years Day

I woke up the next morning with pain in my joints, more specifically my right shoulder. The pain is bearable but I'm gonna need some Advil. 

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom. I look through the cabinet type thing behind the mirror. After looking through all the bottles I realize that there's no Advil, meaning I have to go to the store. 

I grab a piece of paper and wrote Luke a note telling him that I'm running to the store real quick. I set the paper on the table beside him. 

I go over to the front door and slip on my shoes. I grab the car keys before walking out of the hotel room. I walk down the hallway to the elevator, I reach up to press the elevator button, I feel a sharp pain in my right shoulder again.

"Fuck," I curse. I squeeze my eyes shut in pain. I take a few deep breaths, I stand there for a few minutes deciding if I should go wake Luke up or drive. I don't really know if I can drive, I probably can drive but I don't really wanna take the risk.

I head back to the hotel room to wake Luke up, I hope he's not gonna be angry at me for waking him up.

I open the door once I get to the room. I walk over to my side of the bed and sit down. 

"Luke," I softly said as I shake him a little bit, he groans and moves slightly.

"Luke," I said again but louder and shake him more.

"What?" Luke groaned. I now feel bad for waking him up, I should've just driven myself.

"Can you drive me to the store please?" I asked him. I probably sound like a child asking him to drive me somewhere. 

"You woke me up to drive you to the store at 8 am?" Luke asked. 

"I'm sorry, I can't drive myself or else I would," I looked down at my fingers. I don't really wanna tell Luke the reason I can't drive myself because I don't need him to worry about me, he would tell me to go to the hospital and I don't think it's that bad right now.

"Why?" Luke asked.

"I just need some Advil," I told him, it was true I did need it but I just didn't tell him why.

"Do you have a headache?" Luke asked sitting up. 

"It's my shoulder," I couldn't lie to him. "I woke up with really bad pain in my right shoulder and I just need to take some aspirin,"

"You need to go to the hospital," I knew Luke was gonna say that.

"If the pain gets worse I will," 

"Let's go then," Luke gets up out of bed and slips his shoes on. 


"How long are you staying here for?" Luke asked. I haven't really figured that out yet.

"I guess until you get tired of me," I said, I scan the shelves for Advil. 

"That will never happen," Luke chuckled. 

"I'll probably leave in 2 weeks because I still need to go to school," I go to grab the Advil off the shelf when I feel that familiar sharp pain in my shoulder from when I went to press the elevator button.

"Fuck," I curse. I squeeze my eyes shut again as I feel that sharp pain get worse.

"Maddie, you need to go to the hospital," Luke said.

"No, I'm fine," I tell Luke. I put my phone in my other hand before grabbing the bottle of Asprin.

"You're clearly not fine," Luke said. 

"Just drop it, Luke," I said snapped, I move around Luke and head to the register to pay for the Asprin.

I pay for the Advil and walk out to the car. I look back to see if Luke was following and he was. 

I was the first one in the car, I get in and close the door before putting my seatbelt on. I wait for Luke, he wasn't that far behind me but seemed to get to the car a long time after me.

"What the hell is your problem," That's the first thing Luke says to me once he got in the car.

"I don't have a problem," I said. "I just don't feel I need to go to the hospital right now if the pain gets any worse than what it is now then I will go," 

"I just wanna make sure you're okay," Luke replied.

"I know and I appreciate that but it's not gotten to the point where I need to go to the hospital," I told him. "I'm sorry for snapping out on you," 

"It's alright I understand," Luke put the key in the ignition before starting the car up. "How about we go to a small diner I know for breakfast?" 


"Do you need something to drink?" Luke asked looking at me, he was waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, do you have anything?" I start to open the Advil so I can take 2.

"Here I just bought this," Luke pulls a pack of gum out of the bag and puts it in the middle console. He then pulls out a bottle of water and hands it to me.

"Thanks," I open the bottle of water before setting it in between my legs. I open the bottle of aspirin and spill two of them in my hand. I hand the bottle to Luke so he can close it up for me.

"Ready to go eat breakfast?" Luke asked putting the car in drive.

"Let's go," I excitedly said.


Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for not updating in a couple of months. I've been dealing with a lot of things. I kind of had writer's block for this story but earlier today I finally got over it and had an idea so I started writing.

I will try and get another chapter up by the end of the day.

Merry Christmas Eve. If you celebrate it.

- Meg

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