"Guys, there's fruit here!" Morgan said, gesturing towards the huge ass bowls of fruit. I grimaced.

"This is way better, Morgan," I told her, sucking on my finger. Holly yanked my hand away from my mouth.

"Stop sucking so hard!" She said. We all cracked up. The bass from the speakers was booming off the walls, and the music was so loud I could feel it messing with my heartbeat a little.

Suddenly, Holly's eyes widened and she frowned. "Guys, I have to use the bathroom!" She shouted over the loud music.

"Are you joking right now?" I smirked, "didn't you like, go before we left?"

She shook her head, and Amber chuckled. "I'll go with you, I know where the bathroom is. Anybody wanna come?"

"Um, I'll come!" Morgan said, relieved at the fact someone was going to the bathroom. "I really need to check myself."

"Alright," Amber said, and looked at Rachel and I, "you guys stay here or something."

Rachel nodded, and when the three girls walked off, squeezing by crowds of people, I smiled and turned to Rachel. She was really quiet, and it's actually such a shocker. When I first saw her, I expected her to be the kind of girl who would never shut up. Like me. But, really, she's the complete opposite. At least she is so far. I mean, everything about her is so loud -- her blood red hair, her tattoos.... maybe I could get her to talk more.

"Hey," I said, a bit lamely. What do you expect? This is like the first conversation I've had with this girl. "Have you been to these parties before?"

"What, the Hudsons' parties?" She questioned, a little smirk forming at the corner of her lips.

"Yeah," I said. When Rachel nodded, I looked around the room, taking in the whole thing. It was pretty wild, the colourful lights flickering (I'm going to get a seizure from this), the loud music booming, the people. Yeah, there was alot of people here -- I could feel the heat radiating off of people's sweaty bodies. Yeah. Ew.

"So," I turned back to Rachel, "who exactly are the Hudsons anyways?"

Rachel looked at me, and then as she looked past my shoulder, her eyes narrowed to slits. "Don't make it look obvious," she warned, "but if you look behind you, you'll see these two icky blonde girls. You won't miss them, they're as fake as they can get."

Slowly and casually, trying to not be obvious like Rachel advised, I turned around and as soon as I did I spotted them. The two girls.

And holy shit were they ugly.

I mean, maybe it was just the caked makeup they were wearing. And it wasn't even like the kind of makeup I wear -- or even Rachel, for that matter. No, there's a huge difference between creative makeup and too much ugly slutty makeup. Seriously.

"Ew," I exclaimed, looking at Rachel who was laughing at my reaction. "They're the owners of this place?"

"Well, yeah sort of. The Hudsons have three kids -- Brian, Kristen and Kayla. Brian's the oldest, he's eighteen. Kristen and Kayla are twins, yadda yadda yadda. They're all selfish snobs who think they're the shit."

I raised my eyebrows. "Really? You don't like them?"

"Of course I don't," she said, "I mean. Kristen and Kayla hate me anyways, so screw that shit, right?"

"Why do they hate you?" I realised we were kind of shouting over the loud music. Well, it's not like anybody would be able to hear us, since I was literally screaming, and I could barely even hear myself.

The Lavery Twinsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें