Haven Gate

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Abhor turned the knob and pushed the door open. Behind the door was a huge space, fifty square feet at least, Justice saw people in office clothes individually working, some were typing in their computers like Jesse, some were standing and looking through file cabinets. Abhor talked to closest person and asked him to inform the director that they were coming.

Justice saw more of the huge space as they walked around. She saw multiple doors plastered in through every wall they passed, seeing Abhor walk into one, she followed him. It was like a maze, he turned left and right so much that Justice could hardly remember where they came from.

Abhor stopped in front of a huge white painted wooden door that had a drawing of the planet in the middle of it, the left side had angel wings with a halo on top but is cut down the middle. The right side had bat wings and had what looks to be devil ears on top with a picture beside it. Justice guessed that it was trying to represent angels and demons.

Abhor gently knocked three times on the door and knocking two more times with pace, he held the knob and twisted it open. Justice saw a man across the room, he was sitting in behind a wooden table, the man was looking down at the papers laid out in front of him, making it difficult for Justice to see his face.

"Sir. We're here." Abhor informed the man with a sturdy voice.

The man looked up and Justice saw a better look at his face, she gasped and tears streamed down her face. The man in front of her was her foster father, Clark Philips. Justice stood in shock, Clark stood up and walked to where Justice was and hugged her.

"No.. this can't be real." Justice whispered, "You're dead!" She pulled herself away from him and screamed.

"I saw you! We buried you!" She continued with a hysteric voice.

Clark kept silent and waited for Justice to finish her ranting, "Please explain to me what's happening?" Justice pleaded and Clark took that as a cue to explain.

"Justice I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But I had to fake my death to protect you." He said.

"What do you mean protect me?! What about Mrs. Philips and the others. Do they know you're alive?" She asked with a loud voice.

Clark went silent and gestured for Abhor to leave, "I think it's best if I explain everything to you starting from the beginning." Clark walked to his desk and pressed a button, suddenly a door appeared beside the one they entered at.

Clark walked over to it and told Justice to follow, "I assume you've read your mother's journal." He asked and Justice nodded.

"There was an entry there explaining about Guardian Angels and Fallen Angels. Your father was a Guardian Angel and I'm a Fallen Angel. Your mother's father said that Guardian Angels were soldiers that God sent down and Fallen Angels used to be a Guardian Angels that had their wings taken." Clark quieted and looked at Justice to see if she was paying attention. Seeing her undivided attention, he continued.

"Well that's not entirely true." They halted their walking and Clark showed Justice a book. Inside it contain information about multiple children and what orphanage they were from.

"The Angels were not from heaven, they were here from this planet." He said.

Justice stopped flipping the pages and looked at Clark, "What do you mean?"

Clark opened a door, what Justice saw definitely repulsed her. Behind the door was a room full of children inside glass tubes. There was at most ten inside this room.

"Your father was an orphan. And I am an orphan as well." Justice pulled her eyes away from the disgusting sight to look at her foster father.

"Haven Gate is a department where we adopt orphans and experiment on them." Justice had her eyes widen and mouth agape at Clark's words.

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